Thursday, January 30, 2020
I Love College Essay Example for Free
I Love College Essay I Love College by Asher Roth is considered 2009s college anthem. A dance song about college parties, complete with under-age drinking, possible date rape, and the lack of focus on academics, I Love College is on most teenagers iPod playlist, especially the teenagers who are planning on going to college in the fall. I Love College by Asher Roth is not only degrading to women and sends the message to impressionable teenagers that women are only for mens enjoyment. The lyrics of I Love College are offensive, to say the least, to all college students, not only women. The lyrics imply that all a college student does is go to parties and drink. However, women suffer the most because of these lyrics. This song is a prime example of men taking advantage of women. For example, the chorus of this song details how a college student went to a party, got drunk and high, got a girl â€Å"completely naked†, and did it all over again the next night. This song, because of its catchy beat, sends the message to teenagers that this behavior is acceptable, and it implies that every college student acts this way. The music video for I Love College could be considered more offensive than the lyrics. The music video opens with a man standing up from sitting on a couch, pushing a girl, who is passed out, off of him. The next view the video shows of women is a group of girls, half nude, playing what appears to be strip poker. Throughout the video, Asher Roth kisses many different women, all of them wanting to be near him. The only image of women that viewers get from this music video is women undressing; this is all the women in this video did. To impressionable young people getting ready for college, this video, along with the lyrics, send the message that men are superior to women, and that women are only there for mens entertainment. The lyrics and music video for I Love College also sends the message that college is for partying and taking advantage of others, not for studying for a career, for a successful future. The lyrics and music video put women in a degrading light, portraying them as toys for mens pleasure. This sends the wrong message to teenagers. The future of the American society is in trouble if these are the messages young people are getting through the entertainment they love so much.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Essay --
Cyber Teenagers: An Addiction The time teenagers spend using social media, in front of the computer and with their cellphones, is excessive. People judge social media with different opinions: some people look at social media as an interesting and useful tool and some people just do not like social media at all. What people do not know are the consequences social media can bring to teenagers. The common view most teenagers have about social media is different to what many people think about social media in many ways. Most teenagers think that the use of social media has a positive impact on their social and emotional lives. Most teenagers think that social media helps them keep in touch with friends they do not see on a daily basis, and they think social media is a tool that helps them communicate with other students at their school and meet new people. Although most teenagers think social media is good for them, my position on social media is different from what most of the teenagers believe. Social media, in my opinion, is bad for society and even worse for t...
Monday, January 13, 2020
How is an “Unwoman†Defined? Essay
Historically, women and children were under the control of the father of the family. The role of women was to born babies and run the house. In the novel †The Handmaid`s Tale†, Margaret Atwood depicts a society dominated and ruled by men. Those who reject social structure and dominance of males are treated as â€Å"unwomen†. Most of them are feminists and deformed babies. These categories of people are â€Å"useless†for Gilead, because they cannot perform their main function: become pregnant and born healthy babies. â€Å"Unwomen†were females who reject the idea of male dominance and fight against oppression and sexual violence, low social role and poor treatment. Offred (and her mother) is a radical feminist which fights for freedom and a â€Å"women’s culture†. Radical ideas allow her to make sense of her own live as part of common experiences in male-dominated societies. As a radical feminist, she focuses political attention on patriarchal oppression in every area of women’s lives. The author of the article does not directly speak about Offred attitude towards a Superior society, but it is possible to assume that she would agree with this idea. The idea of women as a class identifies oppressed women as having common interests against men, since men have common interests in dominating women. In the class system, men benefit from patriarchal beliefs and practices which ensure that women service their needs, raise their children and are excluded from political and economic power. Offred tries to prove that women possess superior values against men. â€Å"Offred recalls a scene in which her mother and other feminists burn porn magazines†. To some extent, this remark shows that feminists try to be equal to men and could build a Superior society free from sexual violence and tyranny. Women have to develop consciousness of their interests as a class, and to struggle against men and against the organization of patriarchy. Gender is seen as more fundamental than class in the organization of women’s oppression. Atwood underlines that Offred â€Å"considered her body an instrument of her desires†. But as long as women are looked upon as a class, then the differences between women are not seen as of prime importance, as they have common class interests which unite them against men. References 1. Themes, Motifs & Symbols.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
The Hidden Truth Behind Violence in Modern Society
The Hidden Truth Chris Hedges once said â€Å"Violence is a disease, a disease that corrupts all who use it regardless of the cause.†Violence, behavior involving physical force intended to injure, harm, or kill someone or something, as well as aggression, hostile or violent behavior or attitudes toward another, is spreading throughout the globe like a disease, corrupting our modern society. The drastic increase in violent and aggressive behavior in modern society can be attributed directly to the prevalence of drug and alcohol abuse, easy availability of deadly weapons and the limitless exposure to mass media that celebrates these behaviors. Within modern society, one of the primary causes of violence and aggression is the proliferate abuse†¦show more content†¦The Washington Post stated, â€Å"Of the 11 deadliest shootings in the U.S., five happened from 2007 onward...†(Klein 1). This fact verifies the increased amount of violent attacks caused by the use of weapons in the past decade. For example, in December of 2012, 26 innocent people became victims of a terrible shooting which took place in Sandy Hook Elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut. Of those 26 people, 20 were innocent first grade children and the other six were regular people working another ordinary day at the school. Adam Lanza, the 20 year old shooter, begun his sinister plan by first murdering his own mother. Later on that afternoon he arrives to Sandy Hook Elementary and ends the lives of 26 people as well as his own. Similar to this attack was an attack that occurred on July 20, 2012 in Aurora Colorado at the hands of James Eagan Holmes. During the midnight premià ¨re of â€Å"The Dark Knight†, Mr. Holmes enters the dark theater where he has begun to throw gas grenades. He then began to shoot at everyone with not only one firearm but two. He ended up killing 12 people and injured 70 others. Consequently, the easy availability of deadly weapons is what allow ed both Mr. Lanza and Mr. Holmes the freedom to obtain the weapons used to commit these atrocious attacks. While weapons present a impactful increase to violence in society, the limitless exposure to mass media which celebrates violent behaviors is yet another primaryShow MoreRelatedReligion And The Islamic State Of Iraq And Syria1729 Words  | 7 Pagesin our society, terrorism has been relevant and obvious in everyday life. It floods through the media, splashing headlines, and is a common topic being debated. There is much debate on whether religion is the cause of the wars we are fighting in this modern day. The most current terrorist group today is ISIS or The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. 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