Thursday, November 28, 2019
Blue Zuma Project Gant Charts Essay Example
Blue Zuma Project Gant Charts Paper Zuma Computer Exercise 2 Ziad Y. Mazboudi Project Management MGT 6529 Silver Zuma Project Computer Exercise 2 Blue Zuma Memorandum To: Professor From:Ziad Mazboudi Date:7/30/2011 Subject: Blue Zuma Project Part 2 memo This memo discusses resources allocation and related issues. In this memo, I will address specific questions regarding resources. 1. Which if any of the resources are over allocated? Using the Resource sheet in Microsoft Project, I found that four of the resources are over allocated: Marketing Specialist Design Engineer Industrial Engineer Purchasing Agent 2. Which activities involve over allocated resources? Using the Resource Usage in Microsoft Project, and reviewing the Gantt chart, I determined that the following activities are over allocated: Detailed marketing plan Detailed product design Install production equipment 3. Assume that the project is time constrained and try to resolve any over-allocation problems by leveling within slack. What happens? Using Microsoft Project, and leveling all activities with the leveling option to â€Å"level only within available slack†, two of the over allocated resources are not anymore, however there were two that remained over allocated, design engineer and industrial engineer, as shown in the table below. Resource Name |Type |Initials |Group |Max. Units |Std. Rate |Ovt. Rate |Cost/Use |Accrue At |Base Calendar |Over allocated | |Marketing Specialist |Work |MS |Marketing |400% |$60. 00/hr |$0. 00/hr |$0. 00 |Prorated |Calendar 2 |No | |Design Engineer |Work |DesE |Design |400% |$90. 00/hr |$0. 00/hr |$0. 00 |Prorated |Calendar 2 |Yes | |Development engineer |Work |DevE |Development |400% |$80. 00/hr |$0. 00/hr |$0. 00 |Prorated |Calendar 2 |No | |Industrial engineer |Work |IE |Industrial |400% |$70. 00/hr |$0. 00/hr |$0. 00 |Prorated |Calendar 2 |Yes | |Purchasing agent |Work |PA |Purchasing |100% |$50. 0/hr |$0. 00/hr |$0. 00 |Prorated |Calendar 2 |No | | 4. What is the impact of leveling within slack on the sensitivity of the network? Include a Gantt chart with the schedule table after leveling within slack. Leveling within slack affects the sensitivity of the network extensively. When one levels resources, some over allocated resources become allocated, however the network changes, and becomes more complex, sometimes resulting in changes to the critical path. At times, you could end up with multiple critical paths, since one is leveling with slack and could eliminate all slack. We will write a custom essay sample on Blue Zuma Project Gant Charts specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Blue Zuma Project Gant Charts specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Blue Zuma Project Gant Charts specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The network diagram before leveling resources, showing the critical path in red The network diagram after leveling resources. Part 2-B After the resources are assigned, the project now takes 290 days to complete. As a result of resource assignment, the project was delayed by 40 days, going from 250 days to 290 days. Resources can have significant impact on a schedule. If this project had liquidated damages, it would have had significant financial impact on the company, so making sure that adequate resources are available is crucial to the timely completion or delay of a project. [pic] Gantt Chart of the project with schedule
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Religion in schools essays
Religion in schools essays Religion in schools is generally supported by the public, yet declined by the government. Documents 1, 2, 4, and 5 support religion in schools. Document 1 displays the first amendement, which supports the freedom of speech and religion. Document 2 contradicts the government's support for religion, as shown in document 1. From the point of view of a representative, the document points out that the government banned religion from our schools, yet he argues that we are still taught all of the bad things. Document 4 represents the public's opinion. The poll results showed that more than three fourths of the public was in favor of religion in our schools. Document 5 comes from the point of view of a regular teenage part of the public. She thinks religion should be permitted any and everywhere. Document 3 does not support religion in schools. This document is a controversy. Two sides had opposing views. The view against religion in schools won. A transcript of the trial would be helpful in determining the exact views of the opposing parties. Document 6 is neither supportive, nor against religion in schools. It merely explains the misunderstandings of the controversy (of religion). Its not that you cant pray in school, you just cant do it publicly. Documents 1 and 3 actually prove the effects of the government. In document 1, the First Amendment allows the freedom of religion and speech. That should allow religion to be practiced anywhere and anytime. In document 3, though, the Supreme Court rules against the First Amendment, basically. That is the ruling that doesnt allow religion to be practiced in schools. Religion in schools is generally supported by the public, but declined by our government. The government should allow it to be practiced due to the First Amendment, but does not allow it due to the Santa Fe vs. Doe ruling in 2000. ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Group assignment for bussiness information system
Group for bussiness information system - Assignment Example This shows that the percentage of sales during the promotional sales period is 70.92% which is very high and therefore it indicates that the promotional sales campaigns offered by the cafà © have been very successful. Moreover, the data reveal that the best products sold throughout in the data include the music CDs, bread and coffee. Revenues generated from CDs were equal to $776,813.17. The value of total sales from selling bread were $27,560.59 and there were 3,271 breads sold by the cafà ©. Moreover, after selling 2,495 coffees the cafà © has been able to accumulate $112,354 as revenues. After analyzing the data it has been found that the month of March is the best month for The Broadway Cafà ©. The total sales that have been report by the cafà © in the month of March have a value of $575,843.30. However, this figure does not include the return or refund sales which have a value of $6,504.20. Therefore the net sales or revenues generated from the month of March were equal to $569,339.10. This shows that the percentage of total sales in the month of March is equal to 28% of the total sales. Moreover, the least transaction occurred in the month of September. There have been several problems in the data and therefore these problems could influence the findings presented in the report. For instance, there have been several entries missing in the data and if these entries are recorded appropriately then the findings could have been changed. For instance, as it has been found that the month of March has the highest sales, and September has the lowest sales but what if several transactions for the month of September are missed. Therefore, these issues could influence the findings of the data and thus the analysis that has been based on the missing data can be changed. Moreover, there are certain mistakes or data entered seems to be inaccurate as customer number 6541 purchased coffee of $1,549 in the first month of year 2005 which clearly seems
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Sarbanes Oaxley Act And Reporting Of Employee Compensation Essay
Sarbanes Oaxley Act And Reporting Of Employee Compensation - Essay Example The reason of the new law is to defend depositors by developing the accurateness and consistency of company revelations. The law formed a sovereign Public Company Accounting Oversight Board to supervise the inspection of public companies to shield the interest of investors and additionally the public interest in offering functional and correct information. Further sections of the act comprise but are not inadequate to Corporate Responsibility, Auditor Independence, and Enhanced Financial Disclosures. The law also deals with company and illegal scam, and it gives illicit punishments for defrauding shareholders of publicly dealt companies. Since the SEC has oversight and enforcement influence over the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, it is expected that the SEC will have input into auditing and corporate authority concerns after the establishment of the board in 2003 and as its rules come into existence. The Act forbids companies from expanding, openly or not directly, acclaim in the shape of private loans to its executive officers and directors. Accessible loans (as of July 30, 2002) are grand fathered as long as the terms of such loans are not customized. This ban influence ordinary performance like cashless exercises of stock options, advances and loans to help with home purchases, and might influence certain slit dollar arrangements and 401(k) plan loans. The Act a Closedown Limitations Notice Necessities The Act atonement the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 ("ERISA") to need that plan administrators of distinct payment plans offer advance notice to plan members of an imminent "blackout period." For this reason, a blackout phase is described as a period of three (3) or more successive business days through which members' aptitude to direct or branch out possessions in their accounts, or to attain loans or to division from a plan, is restricted or limited. A blackout period does not embrace any postponements, limits or boundaries that (1) happen by cause of request of the securities laws, (2) pertain to simply one member, or (3) are alterations to the plan that offer for a frequently programmed deferral, restriction or constraint, provided such alterations are revealed to members. Plan members usually should obtain notice of the blackout period at least 30 days earlier than the beginning of the blackout period. The notice must offer: Causes for the blackout period; Pretentious investments; Duration of the blackout period; A declaration that members and recipients should assess the suitability of their present investments in light of the limitations forced throughout the blackout period. Any other matter required under system. The Department of Labor is authorized under the Act, to accumulate a civil fine of up to $100 a day per member for collapse to offer the notice. The Department in addition, is aimed at issuing a replica notice no
Monday, November 18, 2019
Introduction to Engineering - Truss Bridge Design Essay
Introduction to Engineering - Truss Bridge Design - Essay Example Introduction to Engineering - Truss Bridge Design This model successfully worked to hold desired load and effectively fulfilled the load resistance qualities that a practical bridge must have. Keywords Truss bridge, bridge competition, bridge model, bridge stability. Introduction Bridge design is the fundamental part of civil engineering and most critical as well. It is designed for transportation of heavy traffic; meanwhile, it is constructed to cope with environmental effects like storms. There are many types of bridges that are being used around the world, among them most common are arch bridges, girder bridges, truss bridges, cantilever bridges, cable stayed bridges, moveable bridges and suspension bridges(SWE, 2012). The type of bridge that we incorporated in our design is the truss bridge. These are the oldest and the most economical bridges found around the world with excellent weight bearing capacity(BuildingBig, 2010). Atypical truss bridge is shown below: Specialty of truss bridges is the triangular elements present in the structure to share the load applied on the bridge by the traffic(JHU). In a typical truss bridge design the horizontal members are responsible for bearing loads as a result of horizontal as well as dynamic compression. In our bridge design we made use of Popsicle sticks to create truss members as well as the base of the bridge. These sticks were joined together by making use of glue. Where required, the sticks were cut to the required lengths for making triangle structures of the bridge. For providing strength to the design, the sticks were stacked over each other in 3 to 4 layers and the whole structure was made which is shown below: Before finalizing the above bridge design, we tested a number of bridge structures before as well by making use of west point bridge design, but all those designs failed while testing. By making use of strategic techniques to design practical bridges based on load distribution errors were reduced and thickness of trusses and other members was increased. This gave stability to the bridge design. After that we started working in the structure of the bridge. For that purpose the first task was to select the appropriate material for constructing truss bridge which goes we ll with our dimensional requirements. Therefore, popsicle sticks were chosen as a preferred material. After that all the sticks were marked at the point of applying glue. Initial step was to design the the bottom frame of the structure in which three layers of sticks were used. Here is the view of one bottom structure. Total two rails were made for the bridge. After structuring the bottom next step was to structure the rectangular truss portion of the bridge. For that purpose first two steps of bottom design were used; to collect popsicle sticks and gluing them together. After that, triangular portions were structured and joined together. These trusses were then connected to the bottom rails as shown below: Last step was to connect the assembly of both the trusses and bottom rails to each other by making use of popsicle sticks and gluing them to the bottom. In this way the final structure was drawn. Results and Discussion In the design of first bridge, total 145 popsicle sticks were used and the resulting weight of the bridge was calculated to be approximately 198.3lbs. The designed bridge
Friday, November 15, 2019
An overview of social media
An overview of social media What is Social Media? Social media is a blanket term that encompasses all tools that allow groups to generate content and engage in peer-to-peer conversations and exchange of content online. Another common term for interactions such as these is â€Å"Web 2.0†. Social media are highly accessible and inexpensive tools that all anyone from the personal sector to the corporate sector to access, create, and publish information. These media are greatly distinct from more the more traditional industrial media (newspapers, television, film) that require heavy resources use for publication. One characteristic shared by both social media and industrial media is the capability to reach small or large audiences; for example, either a blog post or a television show may reach zero people or millions of people. The properties that help describe the differences between social media and industrial media depend on the study. Some of these properties are: 1. Reach both industrial and social media technologies provide scale and enable anyone to reach a global audience. 2. Accessibility the means of production for industrial media are typically owned privately or by government; social media tools are generally available to anyone at little or no cost. 3. Usability industrial media production typically requires specialized skills and training. Most social media do not, or in some cases reinvent skills, so anyone can operate the means of production. 4. Recency the time lag between communications produced by industrial media can be long (days, weeks, or even months) compared to social media (which can be capable of virtually instantaneous responses; only the participants determine any delay in response). As industrial media are currently adopting social media tools, this feature may well not be distinctive anymore in some time. 5. Permanence industrial media, once created, cannot be altered (once a magazine article is printed and distributed changes cannot be made to that same article) whereas social media can be altered almost instantaneously by comments or editing. In his 2006 book The Wealth of Networks: How Social Production Transforms Markets and Freedom, Yochai Benkler analyzed many of these distinctions and their implications in terms of both economics and political liberty. However, Benkler, like many academics, uses the neologism network economy or network information economy to describe the underlying economic, social, and technological characteristics of what has come to be known as social media. Andrew Keen criticizes social media[citation needed] in his book The Cult of the Amateur, writing, Out of this anarchy, it suddenly became clear that what was governing the infinite monkeys now inputting away on the Internet was the law of digital Darwinism, the survival of the loudest and most opinionated. Under these rules, the only way to intellectually prevail is by infinite filibustering. Information outputs and human interaction. Primarily, social media depend on interactions between people as the discussion and integration of words to build shared-meaning, using technology as a conduit. Social media has been touted as presenting a fresh direction for marketing by allowing companies to talk with consumers, as opposed to talking at them. Social media utilities create opportunities for the use of both inductive and deductive logic by their users. Claims or warrants are quickly transitioned into generalizations due to the manner in which shared statements are posted and viewed by all. The speed of communication, breadth, and depth, and ability to see how the words build a case solicits the use of rhetoric. Induction is frequently used as a means to validate or authenticate different users statements and words. Rhetoric is an important part of todays language in social media. Social media are not finite: there is not a set number of pages or hours. The audience can participate in social media by adding comments, instant messaging or even editing the stories themselves. What is Social Media Marketing? Social media marketing is a term that describes the act of using social networks, online communities, blogs, wikis or any other collaborative Internet form of media for marketing, sales, public relations and customer service. Common social media marketing tools include Twitter, blogs, LinkedIn, Facebook, Flickr and YouTube. In the context of Internet marketing, social media refers to a collective group of web properties whose content is primarily published by users, not direct employees of the property (e.g. the vast majority of video on YouTube is published by non-YouTube employees). Social media marketing has three important aspects: (1) Creating buzz or news worthy events, videos, tweets, or even blog entries that attract attention, and become viral in nature. Buzz is the piece that makes social media marketing work, it replicates a message not through purchase of an ad, but thorough user to user contact. (2) Building ways that fans of a brand or company can promote it themselves in multiple online social media venues. Fan pages in Twitter, MySpace of Facebook are exactly this. (3) It is conversational. Social media marketing is not fully controlled by the organization, it allows for user participation and dialogue. Potentially a badly designed social media marketing campaign can backfire on the organization that created it. That is the reason that SMM campaigns must fully engage and respect the users. According to Lloyd Salmons, first chairman of the Internet Advertising Bureau social media council Social media isnt just about big networks like Facebook and MySpace, its about brands having conversations. The parameters surrounding social media marketing are arguably elusive today; however a growing consensus suggests social media marketing and Social Media are here to stay. Nielsen published a report suggesting that blogs and social networks make up the emerging social web. The social web includes social media sites and it is a location within which social media marketing takes place. Social media are media designed to be disseminated through social interaction, created using highly accessible and scalable publishing techniques. Social media supports the human need for social interaction, using Internet- and web-based technologies to transform broadcast media monologues (one to many) into social media dialogues (many to many). It supports the democratization of knowledge and information, transforming people from content consumers into content producers. Businesses also refer to social media as user-generated content (UGC) or consumer-generated media (CGM). Social media can be said to have three components; 1. Concept (art, information, or meme). 2. Media (physical, electronic, or verbal). 3. Social interface (intimate direct, community engagement, social viral, electronic broadcast or syndication, or other physical media such as print). Common forms of social media; * Concepts, slogans, and statements with a high memory retention quotient, that excite others to repeat. * Grass-Roots direct action information dissemination such as public speaking, installations, performance, and demonstrations. * Electronic media with sharing, syndication, or search algorithm technologies (includes internet and mobile devices). * Print media, designed to be re-distributed.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Differences Between the Republican National Party and the Democratic Na
Differences Between the Republican National Party and the Democratic National Party Since the beginning of American politics, we have lived in a two party political system. These two parties play a very important role in our government, they are a source of ideas for public policy, and they legally oppose each other, forcing compromises of ideas that are beneficial to the people of the United States of America. Though these two parties generally always oppose each other on the issues, some people believe that there are not significant differences between the Democratic National Party and the Republican National Party. When the domestic economic issues of the 1996 and 1992 presidential elections are examined, the Republican National Party and the Democratic National Party show themselves to be very different. A 1996 Gallup poll showed that approximately 45% of Americans believe that there are no significant differences between the Republican National Party and the Democrat National Party ("Draft Democratic National Platform" 35). These people feel that because both democrats and republicans talk about the same issues (tax cuts, education, the deficit), that they are in fact similar. These people do not know that, while both democrats and republicans talk about the same issues, the two parties often have very different views on these issues. On the issue of taxes in the 1992 presidential election, the Republicans called for more tax breaks than did the Democratic Party. Democratic presidential candidate Bill Clinton called for â€Å"a research and development tax credit; a low income housing tax credit; [and] a long term capital gains proposal for new businesses and business expansions†(â€Å"First Presidential Debate, 1992†). The Rep... ...l Platform (1996 Democratic National Platform).†Congressional Quarterly Guide to the Democratic Convention. 17 Aug. 1996: 35-52. â€Å"First Presidential Debate, 1992.†Commission on Presidential Debates. Commission on Presidential Debates. 1996. 5 Oct. 1999 â€Å"Party Stresses Family Values, Decentralized Authority (1992 Republican National Platform).†Congressional Quarterly Weekly Report. 22 Aug. 1992: 2560-2581. â€Å"Second 1996 Presidential Debate.†Commission on Presidential Debates. Commission on Presidential Debates. 1996. 5 Oct. 1999 â€Å"Second Presidential Debate, 1992.†Commission on Presidential Debates. Commission on Presidential Debates. 1996. 5 Oct. 1999 â€Å"Transcript of the First Presidential Debate.†The Washington Post. 7 Oct. 1996: A08.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Changes in Canada
Lastly, in 1905 the 9th and 10th provinces were added in which were Alberta and Saskatchewan (All Website 1 and 2) which are colored red. As you can see a lot of changes had happened during hose 38 years but we have yet to discuss Unapt which was created in 1999. Canada now has 10 provinces and 3 territories. Canada has been through many changes for it to become the great country it is now. Stronger and Better Canada The Confederation and the changes that had happened to Canada had a positive effect on Canada.A large effect the Confederation had on Canada Is on the economy and Canada's social structure. This lead to Canada being a strong country as It Is today. The Confederation helped with transportation problems. All the colonies were Joined to make one whole country to spend less money on International railway systems. This saved tons of money (Website 3 and 5). The railway also helped with Canada's defenses and soldiers. If a colony was under attack they could easily send soldier s on the railway systems throughout Canada. Secondly, the Confederation mainly helped Canada's economy.Economy In any country Is Important, and Canada's economy Is great compared to most countries. External trade at this time was not working too well, so Canada had to rely on International trade. New railway systems created in this process, because External trade was not working, Canada had to rely on its farmers and manufactures (Website 4). Canada's rose, causing the creation of ore and more Jobs as the years progressed. Industrialization was becoming more common as Canada started to grow. This resulted in arbitration.Finally, the Confederation created an organized government; because of a more organized government more laws were able to be set. One important thing that was done was equal rights. The Constitution allowed First Nations, women and blacks to be heard in parliament, as their voices were not heard until the early sass (HUH). Canada many important pull factors and attra cted many immigrants during the sass. The government started to give out land for these immigrants to settle, immigration is important for Canada as our economy is stable and there are many Job opportunities (HUH-96).In 1999 Unapt Joined the confederation making it Canada's 3rd and last territory. It was created to give Intuit people more freedom (HUH). In conclusion the Confederation helped Canada develop to where it is now; it is an important part of Canadian history. The Confederation created a more organized government system for laws to be passed, transportation problems to cut down on prices for railroads and making trade more efficient. Now we know how Canada became such a great and successful country.
Friday, November 8, 2019
DMX Compare and Contrast essays
DMX Compare and Contrast essays Earl Simmons, better known to the rap world as DMX or Dark Man X has released four albums since his debut in 1998. His style of rap has been compared to rappers such as Tupac Shakur and kept him atop the rap music charts. His songs have earned him several musical nominees such as Grammys and MTV Music Awards nominees. His musical prowess and complex story telling wound up with tight beats have progressed since his first album in 1998. His first album entitled Its Dark and Hell is Hot and his fourth and latest album released in late 2001 entitled The Great Depression are two examples of how great his work is and praised. DMXs songs have been atop the musical charts such as Billboard. His first album was released in1998 and was entitled Its Dark and Hell is Hot. His musical prowess and complex story telling earned him a spot atop the Billboard music charts with hits such as Ruff Ryders Anthem and Hows It Goin Down. One music review describes, Its Dark and Hell is Hot as A complex portrait of an MC whos spent the last 15 years thinking long and hard about how to come across on wax. (Lewis) DMXs forth album The Great Depression was released in late 2001 with great expectations. This album too produced chart toppers with songs such as We Right Here, Who We Be and I Miss You. This album, though highly praised only received three stars by Rolling Stone while Its Dark and Hell is Hot received four stars by Rolling Stone. (Lewis) DMXs musical prowess and enchanting storytelling by music have progressed through the years. Its Dark and Hell is Hot is an album that shows the tough times this rapper went through to be where he is now. In the Song entitled Stop Being Greedy he cast himself as a ...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Classroom Accommodations for Students With Dyslexia
Classroom Accommodations for Students With Dyslexia When a student with dyslexia is eligible for accommodations in the classroom through an IEP or Section 504, those accommodations need to be individualized to fit the unique needs of the student. Accommodations are discussed at the annual IEP meeting, during which the educational team determines the accommodations that will help support student success.  Although students with dyslexia will have different needs, there are some accommodations which are commonly found to be helpful for students with dyslexia. Reading Accommodations Provide books on tape, CDs, or on an electronic reader or textbook that a child can listen to especially for content areas. Create opportunities for oral reading on a one-on-one basis and only ask the student to read aloud in class if he feels comfortable doing so and volunteers to readProvide outlines, summaries of chapters, vocabulary words and preview questions before readingAllow students to use a highlighter to mark important parts of the textUsed shared reading or reading buddiesAllow the student to discuss, one-on-one, the material after reading with a classroom aide, a partner student or the teacherProvide a set of books/textbooks for the student to keep at homeReduce spelling testsGive spelling tests orallyDont take off points for spelling errors on written workReduce spelling words Writing Accommodations Allow the student to dictate work to a parent or aideProvide speech-to-text softwareOffer alternative projects instead of written reportsPhotocopy another childs notes or designate a note-taker who will share notes at the end of classMinimize the amount of copying from the boardAllow the student to use a keyboard to take notesLet student respond to questions orally rather than writing each answerReduce written work Testing Accommodations Allow the student to take tests orallyAllow for extra timeReview directions to test orallyProvide alternatives to testing, such as projects, oral or video presentationsRead test questions to the student and write down answers as the student speaks the answerAllow tests to be taken outside of the classroom, in a quiet area with minimal distractionsHave students state answers into a tape recorder Homework Accommodations Reduce homework, especially assignments requiring readingAllow the student to dictate answers to homework to a parent, sibling or tutorAllow typewritten homeworkUse worksheets with minimal writingLimit time spent on homeworkDo not take off points for homework handed in late Giving Instructions or Directions Break large tasks into stepsGive directions in small stepsRead written directions or instructions to the studentProvide alternatives to writing assignments, use an online calendar, provide the student with a written list of assignments each morning, have a buddy student write assignments, an email list of assignments to student or parentGive examples or model behavior when giving instructionsMake eye contact with a student when giving directions Technology Accommodations Provide computers that have speech recognition softwareAllow the use of electronic spell-checkersProvide software that enlarges images on a computer screenProvide student with a computer to complete class workAllow students to tape record lessons Classroom Accommodations Often students with dyslexia also have co-morbid challenges, especially ADHD or ADD which will add to these students challenges and often leave them with negative self-concept and low self-confidence. Be sure to have some of these accommodations, either formally (in the IEP) or informally, as part of your classroom routines, to support both student success and student self-esteem. Write schedules on boardWrite classroom rules on boardWrite homework assignments on the board in the morning and leave up throughout the dayHave the student sit near the teacherUse color-coding to organize desk, classroom and students booksUse multi-sensory activities to further understanding of topicsUse a positive reinforcement program with rewards and consequencesCreate private signals for a student to indicate high frustration or for the teacher to bring a child back on trackIncrease communication with parents, using daily or weekly emails or phone calls and increase meetings with parentsAssign classroom jobs that will help to increase self-esteemWork with the student to create achievable goals This list is not comprehensive since just as each student with dyslexia is different, their needs will be different. Some students may only require minimal accommodations while others may require more intense interventions and assistance. Use this list as a guideline to help you think about what needs the student, or students, in your classroom have. When attending IEP or Section 504 meetings, you can use this list as a checklist; sharing with the educational team what you feel would best help the student. References Accommodations in the Classroom, 2011, Staff Writer, University of Michigan: Institute for Human Adjustment Dyslexia, Date Unknown, Staff Writer, Region 10 Education Service Center Learning Disabilities, 2004, Staff Writer, University of Washington, The Faculty Room
Monday, November 4, 2019
Unethical practices and behavior in accounting Essay
Unethical practices and behavior in accounting - Essay Example Unethical practices and behavior in accounting Diversified forces, from professions’ external environments, regulate professional practices. In this paper, analyze Beth’s article, ‘Eight years after fact is SOX working? A look at the Brook corporation’, with the aim of identifying situations that may lead to unethical practices and behavior and review effects of Sarbanes-Oxley Act on financial statements. Situations that might lead to unethical practices and behavior in accounting People’s practices and behavior are largely influenced by their environments that can either encourage good practices and behavior or can allow for, and even promote immoral acts among accountants. Opportunities are one of the set of situations that might lead to unethical practices and behavior. Ethics are moral rules and therefore restrain people into conformance to expected practices. It relies on both the level at which such people can be influenced or coerced to acculturate such standards and the effectiveness in p reventing possibilities of unethical practices. Availability of opportunities for unethical practice however challenges these factors because of the involved social aspects of ethics. An individual, based on the possible gain from a practice, may for example choose to utilize an opportunity into unethical practice or behavior for such gains. Opportunities also offer temptation into unethical practices and behavior and may influence an individual to behave unethically against an individual’s intentions (Beth, 2010). Bad ethical examples set by others forms another situation that is likely to lead to unethical practice or behavior in the accounting profession and is majorly influenced by the role and impacts of leadership concepts. ... Environment plays a significant role in influencing a person’s behavior and an environment where unethical practices exist will influence a person into such practices. This influence is particularly effective when senior people in an organization do the undesirable behaviors and practices. While junior employees may not have the authority to stop the practices, frustrations that their seniors are benefiting at their expense are likely to influence them into unethical practices. Bad example set by senior people in an organization also spread to lower levels of the organization’s structure because such leaders lose their moral power and the conscience to condemn unethical practices. Persistent misrepresentation of financial information by an organization’s chief accountant for example sets a bad example to junior accounts officers who may emulate their senior’s behavior (Beth, 2010). Lack of incentives is another situation that may lead to unethical practice s and behavior in accounting. This applies from two perspectives, lack of incentives to facilitate ethical practice, and lack of general employee incentives towards utility and commitment to a workplace. There are avenues to acculturating ethics among people such as training them on the need for ethical practice, creating awareness on possible consequences of unethical practice, and establishing a culture that values ethics. Lack of these factors in an organization may facilitate unethical acts because people will lack knowledge on significance of ethics. General work incentives such as rewards and remunerations, trainings and other offers that promote employee utility at the workplace are also significant to
Friday, November 1, 2019
Body Image Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Body Image - Essay Example Teenage girls tend to view their bodies critically and may hold negative self-perceptions about their physical appearance. Teenage girls are much more likely than teenage boys to question their attractiveness. This negative self-concept is especially likely to be manifest as dissatisfaction with body shape. Girls in their early teens, or even among those who are younger if they achieve puberty early, frequently express dissatisfaction with their body size and appearance (Williams & Currie, 2000). The emergence of body image concerns is important because it may be associated with the appearance of disordered eating patterns. This is especially worrying when it occurs in early teen years that are in crucial period for physical growth. The more dissatisfied young girls are with their bodies, the more likely they are to undereat, with implications for their health and well-being. Males, in contrast, usually take a different view of their bodies. That is not to say that boys and young men are unconcerned about their body image, but rather than wanting to be thinner and more attractive, many males want to be more muscular with greater bulk. For males, this represents greater power. Whereas girls' self-concepts of attractiveness stem primarily from physical attractiveness, boys' self-concepts are linked to perceptions of physical effectiveness. Analyses of advertising content in
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