Monday, September 30, 2019
Wisdom I have learned from an older adult
I have to say that Vive put quiet a bit of thought Into who Vive received the most words of wisdom from and I have chosen my adopted mother. Over the past thirty six years that I have been a part of my adopted family I have truly had some difficulties coping and dealing with the fact my biological mother abandoned myself and my four brothers when I was a baby. For many years I have questioned so many things, the reasons, the whys, the what ifs, and how can a mother possibly do meeting so traumatic to such small, innocent children.I've had many a disagreement with my adopted mother over my continued search for answers, yet through all my struggles I have learned a few things that will always remain close to my heart and forever be embedded within my thoughts. Mom always told me you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is be someone who can be loved. The rest is up to them. I decided that I could never make my biological mother love me, but in turn I could love my children, fam ily and friends without all my heart and open y heart to them In return.Vive learned that no matter how much I care, some people just don't care back. She taught me that It takes years to build up trust, and only seconds to destroy It. She told me that It's not what you have In your life, but who you have In your life that counts so don't dwell on those that have chosen not to be apart of your life. She taught me that you shouldn't compare yourself to the best others can do, but to the best you can do. I quickly learned that I wanted to be the best for myself and no one else.She truly tried to instill in my head that it's not what happens to people that's important. It's what they do about it. So, with that in my head I have chosen to take what my biological mother put me through and teach my children what it truly means to love and be a parent in hopes that they will one day be able to instill their love in their children, family and friends as well. Vive learned that it's taking m e a long time to become the person I want to be but without Mom's guidance and encouragement I would have never over come my frustrations, worries ND concerns.One of the most important things she taught me was that you should always leave loved ones with loving words. It may be the last time you see them. She taught me that you can keep going long after you think you can't. So many times I've wondered why I was even brought into the world and why I continue to move forward everyday when I have felt I shouldn't. She taught me to always remember what my biological mother did and always remember that we are responsible for what we do, no matter how we feel.I honestly do not feel my biological mother ever felt responsible for the pain she put us through. She taught me that learning to forgive takes practice. Forgiving my biological mother has taken me years to do, but I have been able to accomplish forgiveness. Vive learned that sometimes when I'm angry I have the right to be angry, but that doesn't give me the right to be cruel. Mom always said that I can be angry at my mother the rest of my life but never be cruel to anyone because of my feelings, people don't deserve to be treated In the manner I have en.I've learned that maturity has more to do with what types of experiences you've had and what you've learned from them and less to do with how many adopted mother has tried to instill in my head and my heart, but I have always kept her wisdom close to my heart and knew that in time I would head her lessons and one day be the sort of person I have always wanted to be. We don't always believe older people have wisdom but my adopted mother has more wisdom than I will ever have in a life time and I thank her each and everyday for it.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Mount Plesant
Opgave A – Mount Pleasant Mount Pleasant from 2005 is an odd little short story. The story’s narrative technique and language is very unique, because it allows you to see a child’s world from its perspective. The way the story is written makes you think of your own childhood where ghosts and the darkness were the scariest things in the whole wide world. Below, I will analyze this odd little short story, and also give you an interpretation of Mary-Louise Buxton’s Mount Pleasant where she so curiously write about Elizabeth and her imaginative everyday life.The short story is about a girl Elizabeth who narrates the reader through her every day life. How she discovers the world, how she see her parents and how she interpret things. This short story is not like any other short story, because normally you would have this big climax, with life-changing experiences, and a main theme to tell you how to live your life. This story is â€Å"just†a little child ’s experiences. The thing that makes this story interesting is the extraordinary first-person narrator.The story is in a way written like some sort of diary by a six-year-old. I think the narrator is about six because she talks about the boy on the picture and he looks around 9-10 not much older than her: â€Å"He’s maybe nine or ten, not that much older than I am†The Narrator does not alter the spoken language; it makes the story seem a bit messy but also childish. The language is a big part of this short story because the writer, Mary-Louise, plays with names for objects and concepts, words and the way the different parts of the story are put together.Talking about names, it could be names such as: â€Å"Mammy†â€Å"The Look†â€Å"Granny ‘Omi’s Duckering Ball†â€Å"Babby†â€Å"Boo Boo†Playing with nicknames like this gives the story a childish feeling, and if Mary-Louise had chosen to use a â€Å"grown-upà ¢â‚¬ language the story would not have been the same, so this is most likely why this kind of language is chosen. You instantly know the narrator is a child, because the little girl are having a constant urge for being entertained. It is hard for her to focus.It is seen a couple of times in the story, at first it is kind of confusing, but the second time you read the story the meaning of it gets more clear. The best example is when she is talking about her mother’s behavior, in the situation where her dad puts the picture of the little boy on the mantelpiece. Then out of nowhere our protagonist begins talking about the area and how everyone know her and her sister, how the nuns treat them, the different shops in the area, and then followed by a very descriptive list of sweets you can get at the corner in the tub shop: And then there’s the tub shop on the corner where you can go in and buy big tubs of ice cream, and get sweets out of great big glass jars behind the co unter – raspberry ruffles and chewing nuts and chocolate raisins and liquorice sticks and ice cups and strawberry boot lace†And after talking about the candy she suddenly returns to the time and place she broke loose from. Changing the subjects is confusing, but also what you would expect a child to do. Another thing that keeps it childish is the small ‘wake up! ’ line such as Mammy said not to get dirty. †â€Å"We never want to go home. †They spice up the language, and would definitely be something a child would do. It fits very well with the narrative structure of the story If you look at the characters other than the protagonist, you immediately think of the parents. I think it is good writing, because not only is the parents the most important character in a child’s life, it is also two of the most important character in this short story. You get the impression that the mother is the strict one: If I see that bloody picture again at tea time†â€Å"Mammy said not to get dirty†The father is the exact opposite he is the fun one, the one who lets Elizabeth and her sister stay op late and the less strict one. The father has a more childish language saying Boo Boo and Bobby dazzler. However, the father may not be as sweet and loving as you would expect. One night he takes his two daughters to bed and the dog will no move and instead of calling it by its name he is saying ‘dog’ and then he slaps the dog so hard that it gets scared and hide under the table.I did not notice it at first because our narrator does not make it unusually and a big deal, it makes you think that it could have happened before. All through the story I waited for something bad or devastating to happen, but nothing happened, or maybe the real disaster is hidden? In the end it is mentioned that the mother picks up the picture of the boy and puts it back on to the mantelpiece, and you hear Elizabeth’s thoughts a bout it dropping down in the night. But earlier in the story it says: â€Å"I run to the mantelpiece and put the picture in the grate†She had put it there herself, so it could be understood as a symbol of disorder. The night where this happens could very well be the night where Elizabeth sees a ghost walking around and locking her to her bed. When you have a child as your narrator, it is always hard to tell if something really happened, maybe Elizabeth did see this ghost, or it could be that nothing happened during that night, it was just normal behavior from a child who were scared in the dark. It is a hard deal knowing when children speak the truth and when they overreact.This story is definitely not like your typical short story, it is cryptic and you have to read it a few times before you get what is going on. Maybe the message is just how a child sees the world and how you have to remember to dream and imagine, with themes such as being imaginative, childhood and fear. à ¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [ 1 ]. P. 2 L. 59 [ 2 ]. p. 1 l. 1 [ 3 ]. p. 2 l. 46 [ 4 ]. p. 2 l. 49 [ 5 ]. p. 1 l. 28 [ 6 ]. p. 2 l. 69 [ 7 ]. p. 3 l 91-94 [ 8 ]. p. 1 l. 18 [ 9 ]. p. 3 l. 114 [ 10 ]. p. 2 l. 53 [ 11 ]. p. 1 l. 18 [ 12 ]. p. 5 l. 164
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Does Blowing the Whistle Violate Company Loyalty? Essay
Employees have moral obligations to respect the property of the corporation, to abide by employment†onmouseover=†window.status = ‘goto: employment’;return 1†³ onmouseout=†window.status=††>employment contracts, and to operate within the bounds of the company’s procedural rules. However, the duty of loyalty is not absolute. That an employee should be loyal is a prima facie duty. The object of the employee’s duty must be deserving if the duty is genuine and overriding rater that prima facie. Many of the moral grounds for employee loyalty have been destroyed. Yet there are some minimum requirements of loyalty based in law. The whistleblower may feel they face a conflict between loyalty to their organization and loyalty to the public. The fact is that loyalty to an organization stems from an acceptance of its objectives. However if the objectives involve breaking the law it is difficult to see that there’s any loyalty o bligation. The public interest comes first. The Insider begins with Lowell Bergman (Al Pacino), a producer for â€Å"60 Minutes†, searching for and obtaining interviews with important people in newsworthy situations. One day, he receives a box full of technical books†onmouseover=†window.status = ‘goto: books’;return 1†³ onmouseout=†window.status=††>books pertaining to the temperature of burning cigarettes and the like. Unable to comprehend anything in the manuals, he asks Jeffrey Wigand (Russell Crowe), head of research at Brown & Williamson, to translate everything. However, Bergman begins to believe Wigand has something more to say. Turns out, Wigand was fired from his job for being a little too vocal on certain issues. Unfortunately, Wigand has signed a confidentiality agreement with B&W that prohibits him from revealing secrets about his old employer. Bergman has to find a way around the confidentiality agreement, or jeopardize Wigand’s family and future. Ultimately, it’s Wigand’s decision: does he tell all and go to jail, or does he stay silent and leave Americans in the dark? The rest of the film is propelled by CBSâ€⠄¢ decision not to air the interview, which Bergman fights to the bitter end. CBS apparently has a lucrative merger that could be jeopardized by a lawsuit from Brown & Williamson. Helen Caperelli (Gina Gershon) informs Bergman and Mike Wallace (Christopher Plummer) that they can not air the interview due to the impending suit–apparently, B&W can sue CBS for being a third party in the dissolvement of the confidentiality agreement. After much soul-searching, CBS finally airs the interview. All and all Wigand, himself, is even corrupted by the promise of money: tell us what you know, and we’ll pay you. Corporations aren’t ruled by people–they are ruled by money, and lots of it. This may be a depiction of a small time in the United States’ history, but its themes can be interpreted for any time. I believe in blowing the whistle isn’t a good thing because as you can see in the movie Wigand lost his family, his job, and he lost a lot of money â€Å"blowing the whistle†. Wigand knew what he was getting him self into or else he would not have taking the job in the first place, I mean come on working for a cigarette company, a person knows cigarettes are bad for you. It is plan and simple he took the job knowing he was going to have to do something relating too cigarettes and he signed papers saying he would protect the company name. There for if he did not like what the job had to offer he should not of taken the job in the first place. Blowing the whistle in my mind, I would not do it if it came to me losing my family, and losing my income I do not think I would be able to do that considering the consequences . This is where I stand in the issue â€Å"Does Blowing the Whistle Violate Company Loyalty?â€
Friday, September 27, 2019
Diffterence between Human recourse planing and Business planing Essay
Diffterence between Human recourse planing and Business planing - Essay Example Therefore, a business plan can be defined as a document which is utilised to describe the business along with its â€Å"objectives, strategies, target market and financial forecasts†(Small Business Development Corporation 2014, paragraph 2). So business planning is a strategy level activity which is most vital while starting a business or embarking on a new venture. An HR plan is oriented towards the workers of the enterprise. One of the direct concerns of HR planning is to chalk out the key industrial relationship management tactics (Planning for Staff Development: Fanning the Flame 1990). HR planning is closely related with human resource development. The process encourages talent hunt and consistent staff training, so that company or department specific highly skilled workforce can be developed. However, a business plan is based on a financier, banker, or shareholder oriented persuasive strategy (Chen, Yao, and Kotha 2009). Business plans are more elaborate. Apart from HR planning, business planning is also related to other planning processes like marketing plan development, product planning, knowledge management, investment planning, etc. Again, an HR plan is specific; it handles matters related to the staff and recruitment processes (Braham 1989). It nay also involve blueprint for staff training, payroll management, and educational programs. On the other hand, a business plan involves not only securing the staff, but also handling the investors, sponsors, suppliers, and clients (Butler 2000). So it can be deduced that the stress of HR planning lies on business tactics where short term processes like staff selection, condensed training session, database management, etc. are given highest priority. That is why strategic HR is regarded as an enhanced branch of HR planning (Planning for Staff Development: Fanning the Flame 1990). At the strategic level, complicated HR planning with long term goals must be preceded by elaborate
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Annotated Bibliography-Sheila-W7 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Annotated Bibliography-Sheila-W7 - Coursework Example Sampling was the fundamental methodology, and it was important to note how human development could be transferred to help in the treatment of the neoplasm. This is an extensive study that is published by the BMC family practice. The research observes that there is an increase in the use of technologies in personal health care provision and mobile apps adoption. Aaron also argues that the primary health care is on the rise and is majorly used as they are cost effective, and their outcome is reliable. The author provides for further debate to critically assess the devices before their implementation. The study is silent on the literature review, may be due to omission while methods of research were limited to observations of the patients portals. I found it unique that, the technological advances are fragment of their usage even though they seemed to be a real solution. Beaty, D. L., P.E. (2014). Part one, digital healthcare planning: Digital revolution impact. ASHRAE Journal, 56(9), 84-84,86,88,90. Retrieved from The article is a publication at the data center. It examines a change in digital technology where the work environment is slowly turning into remote places where persons can easily work from home. On the other hand, information regarding environmental conditions such as humidity and temperature are easily determined by the improved technology. The study is unique as no information existed before and soundless on the future research concerning the topic. The literature review was extensive and offered a real insight to the paper for the reader to quickly understand the paper. Methods of analysis were limited to case studies that no other study had previously used. It is quite interesting to know how IT has made things such simple among us. The study is a publication by the library and archives cataloging for the government of Canada. The authors articulate that the digital
Self-Determination & Nationalist Movements in the Age of the Cold War Essay
Self-Determination & Nationalist Movements in the Age of the Cold War - Essay Example  By reviewing the historical data, it is eminent that most of the countries from the East Asian region are largely affected by the World War II. The impact of World War II has also been fruitful, considering the fact that most of the East Asian nations received independence. Despite this, the newly independent nations and territories have also experienced considerable problems, as these nations are unable to receive any support from other nations. There are large numbers of countries belonging to the East Asian region such as Myanmar, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore and Vietnam those had received its independence immediately after the World War II.Since, after the World War II those aforementioned countries that experienced tremendous issues relating to political turmoil, ethnic strife, social inequities and weaker economic condition in composition to the Western nations. Vietnam has also experienced similar issues to a considerable extent. It is worth mentioning that prior to the c ommencement of World War II, Vietnam was noted to be under the control of France. During the 19th century, French has arrived in the Indo-China region and intended to establish their colonial state within that particular area. Prior to the outbreak of World War II, France ruled Vietnam as its Kingship country. During the Second World War, Vietnam has been facing numerous problems including poverty, illiteracy, health issues and invaders, which had become a major barrier in the process of the nation’s overall development.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
State Liability and Direct Effect Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
State Liability and Direct Effect - Essay Example The implementation of law of state liability is the responsibility of national courts of EU states1. Certain incidents in EU states led to the development of the doctrine of state liability. In 1991, the Italian government was held responsible for not completely enforcing the Directive 80/987, which ensured a minimum wage of all employees when employers suffered from insolvency. The European Court of Justice made Italian government pay compensations for all workers who suffered as a result of its non-implementation of the law. It was modified in 1996 after the cases of Brasserie du Pcheur v Federal Republic of Germany and R v Secretary of State for Transport ex parte Factortame Ltd (Cases C-46 and C-48/93) took place. The law was further clarified and the details were given. The law of State liablity could only be used in three conditions :when the law which was under scrutiny was meant to deliver individuals's rights, when the law has caused serious damages and when a clear link would be established between the state 's breach and the damages caused.2 Direct Effect is one of the ways through which the citizens of EU countries can file cases of non-implementation against the state. ... There are two types of direct effect: vertical direct effect and horizontal direct effect. In case of the former, the individual can file a case against the state, while in the case of the latter the inidividual can use it against another individual or any non-State entity. Further, in order to use Direct Effect , the particular European Community law must be either a Directive ,or Treaty Article or a Regulation and it must claim to confer individual laws.3 The working of Direct Effect is different in case of Treaty Articles, Directives and Regulations and the distinctions between them needs to be understood. In case of Treaty Article, it can be used both vertically and horizontally, i.e. it can be used against the State as well as a non-State entity. in case of Regulations, direct effect is only viable if its confers rights on persons and if the Van Gend criteria is satisified. It can be applied both , horizontally and vertically. However, not all regulations of European Community law have a Direct Effect, for instance laws dealing with crime and criminals such as Tachograph Type Regulation, which don't confer rights upon an individual don't have Direct Effect. It is directly applicable but not directly effective.4 For direct effect to be applicable for directives, certain criteria needs to be satisifed. First the provisions of directives in question should be precise, clear and unconditional as stated in Van Duyn case. The court stated that"provision [which] lays down an obligation which is not subject to any exception or condition and which, by its very nature, does not require the intervention of any act on the part either of the institutions of the Community or of Member
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Organizational culture Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Organizational culture - Assignment Example rtaken in this process include lectures, video materials, prints, formal meetings, or orientations to introduce new employees to their respective work and firms, based on the computer. According to research by Schein (2010), socialization methods project towards positive outcomes for the recently employed workers such as superb job performance, superior organizational commitment, greater job satisfaction and tremendous reduction in stress levels. These results are vital to a firm that looks to retain its competitive advantage in ever increasing portable and globalized personnel. Fast growing organizations like AIT Laboratories employ strategies of conducting excellent onboarding. These companies base on four critical factors of culture as well as leadership. These factors include Mission, Consistency, Involvement and Adaptability. Corporate culture is a mixture of the values, symb ols, rituals, beliefs, taboos and myths that develop overtime in all companies. The video corporate culture shows how cultures of different organizations develop overtime. It also shows how these cultures carefully implement and nurture its values. With the new Vice President, the situation will lead to a raise in the productivity of the firm because only the best get picked. There is a high probability of the chosen employee being creative and inventive because the recruiting system focusses on those issues. If I were the Vice President, I would communicate in person through giving a speech to the employees after a team building day that I would have
Monday, September 23, 2019
Samsung Galaxy vs. Apple iphone (Actual Termpaper) Essay
Samsung Galaxy vs. Apple iphone (Actual Termpaper) - Essay Example Additionally, the devise solutions section is divided into either semiconductor or LCD division. The company has grown significantly both in profitability and innovations with new products being released year in year out. As it celebrated its 40 years of operations in 2009, Samsung Electronics was ranked first among worldwide IT companies; a fete that the company had not achieved previously.3 In 2010 Fortune 500 ranking, Samsung was placed twenty second and this was a rise with ten places and became the ever best placed Korean Company. Samsung Galaxy phone is among the most recent product released by Samsung Electronics as it continues to offer its customers products that are update with changes in technology. The first Samsung Galaxy phone in the series was released in June 2009. On the other hand, Apple iPhone is produced by Apple formed in 1976 by Steven Wozniak and Steven Jobs. For a long time during its existence, Apple concentrated in manufacture of computer although in the pas t decade Apple stopped specializing in computers alone positioning it to compete with other players in the industry.4 For instance in 2001, Apple produced iPod and since then the company has become a major producer of music players. In 2007, Apple Company entered into the mobile phone sector with release of its Apple iPhone. Apple operates under the philosophy of â€Å"comprehensive aesthetic design†and uses unique advertising campaigns and this has enabled the company establish a strong reputation in electronics industry and retain a strong consumer base.5 This report compares and contrasts management strategies used by Samsung and Apple Inc to distribute their smart phones in an international market. Samsung Galaxy and Apple iPhone In July 2009, Samsung Electronics released its first smart phone; Samsung Galaxy, model i7500. Samsung Galaxy is a series of different models of phones manufactured to run on Android operating system (OS).6 The fact that these phones are develop ed to operate on Android OS allows them to run different applications giving users different functionality. The move to manufacture Galaxy phones were changes in technology and availability of Android which is an open source OS, that is, it can be accessed freely from the internet. Additionally, Samsung wanted to offer to its consumers a product which can run an array of applications. By using Samsung Galaxy phones, users are able to download materials using high internet downloading capabilities, can access libraries from their phones and a large internal storage space.7 Samsung Galaxy also offers customers high quality music and pictures given that they run various music players. Samsung Galaxy phones have a relative small dimension that therefore a user can carry it a round comfortably in the pocket.8 Following the release of the first Galaxy phone, Samsung Electronic has continued in innovating and has been releasing a new model into the series. For instance, in November 2009, i 5700 was released and this was followed by the introduction of Samsung Galaxy S (i9000) in June 2010.9 Samsung Galaxy S III (GT-i9300) is latest Galaxy phone to be released into the market in May 2012. Galaxy phone are categorized in different classes defined by letters S, R, W, M and Y. Galaxy phones in the S and R
Sunday, September 22, 2019
A Streetcar Named Desire Essay Example for Free
A Streetcar Named Desire Essay Playwright, poet, and fiction writer, Tennessee Williams left a powerful mark on American theatre. At their best, his twenty-five full-length plays combined lyrical intensity, haunting loneliness, and hypnotic violence. He is widely considered the greatest Southern playwright and one of the greatest playwrights in the history of American drama. Born Thomas Lanier Williams on March 26, 1911, he suffered through a difficult and troubling childhood. His father, Cornelius Williams, was a shoe salesman and an emotionally absent parent. He became increasingly abusive as the Williams children grew older. His mother, Edwina, was the daughter of Southern Episcopal minister and had lived the adolescence and young womanhood of a spoiled Southern belle. Williams was sickly as a child, and his mother was a loving but smothering woman. In 1918 the family moved from Mississippi to St. Louis, and the change from a small provincial town to a big city was very difficult for William? s mother. Williams had an older sister named Rose and a younger brother named Walter. Rose was emotionally and mentally unstable, and her illnesses had a great influence on Thomas? s life and work. In 1929, Williams enrolled in the University of Missouri. After two years he dropped out of school, compelled to do so by his father, and took a job in the warehouse of the same shoe company for which his father worked. He was an employee there for ten months, despising the job but working at the warehouse throughout the day and writing late into the night. The strain was too much, and Williams had a nervous breakdown. He recovered at the home of his grandparents, and during these years he continued to write. Amateur productions of his early plays were put on in Memphis and St. Louis. During this time, Rose? s mental health continued to deteriorate. During a fight between Cornelius and Edwina, Cornelius made a move towards Rose that he claimed was meant to calm her. Rose thought his overtures were sexual and suffered a terrible breakdown. Her parents had her lobotomized shortly afterward. Williams went back to school and graduated from the University of Iowa in 1938. He then moved to New Orleans, where he changed his name to Tennessee. Having struggled with his sexuality all through his youth, he now fully entered gay life, with a new name, a new home, and promising talent. That same year, he won a prize for American Blues, a collection of one-act plays. In 1940, Battle of Angels (later rewritten as Orpheus Descending), his first full-length and professionally produced play, failed miserably. Tennessee Williams continued to struggle. 1944-1945 brought a great turning point in his life and career: The Glass Menagerie was produced in Chicago to great success, and shortly afterward was a smash hit on Broadway. While success freed Williams financially, it also made it difficult for him to write. He went to Mexico to work on a play originally titled The Poker Night. This play eventually became one of his masterpieces, A Streetcar Named Desire. It won Williams a Pulitzer Prize in 1947, which enabled him to travel and buy a home in Key West, a new base to which Williams could escape for both relaxation and writing. Around this time, Williams met Frank Merlo. The two fell in love, and the young man became Williams? romantic partner until Merlo? s untimely death in 1961. He was a steadying influence on Williams, who suffered from depression and lived in fear that he, like his sister Rose, would go insane. These years were some of Williams? most productive. His plays were a great success in the United States and abroad, and he was able to write works that were well-received by critics and popular with audiences: The Rose Tattoo (1950), Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1955), Night of the Iguana (1961), among many others. Cat on a Hot Tin Roof won Williams his second Pulitzer Prize. He gave American theatergoers unforgettable characters, an incredible vision of life in the South, and a series of powerful portraits of the human condition. He was deeply interested in something he called poetic realism, the use of everyday objects, which, seen repeatedly and in the right contexts, become imbued with symbolic meaning. His plays, for their time, also seemed preoccupied with the extremes of human brutality and sexual behavior: madness, rape, incest, nymphomania, as well as violent and fantastic deaths. Williams himself often commented on the violence in his own work, which to him seemed part of the human condition; he was conscious, also, of the violence in his plays being expressed in a particularly American setting. As with the work of Edward Albee, critics who attacked the excesses of Williams work often were making thinly veiled attacked on his sexuality. Homosexuality was not discussed openly at that time, but in Williams plays the themes of desire and isolation show, among other things, the influence of having grown up gay in a homophobic world. The sixties brought hard times for Tennessee Williams. He had become dependent on drugs, and the problem only grew worse after the death of Frank Merlo in 1961. Merlo? s death from lung cancer sent Williams into a deep depression that lasted ten years. Williams was also insecure about his work, which was sometimes of inconsistent quality, and he was violently jealous of younger playwrights. His sister Rose was in his thoughts during his later work. The later plays are not considered Williams best, including the failed Clothes for a Summer Hotel. Overwork and drug use continued to take their toll on him, and on February 23, 1983, Williams choked to death on the lid of one of his pill bottles. He left behind an impressive body of work, including plays that continue to be performed the world over. In his worst work, his writing is melodramatic and overwrought, but at his best Tennessee Williams is a haunting, lyrical, and powerful voice, one of the most important forces in twentieth-century American drama. Samenvatting About A Streetcar Named Desire During the incredibly successful run of The Glass Menagerie, theatre workmen taught Williams how to play poker. Williams was already beginning to work on a new story, about two Southern belles in a small apartment with a rough crowd of blue-collar men. A poker game played by the men was to be central to the action of the play; eventually, this story evolved into A Streetcar Named Desire. Streetcar hit theaters in 1946. The play cemented Williams reputation as one of the greatest American playwrights, winning him a New Yorks Critics Circle Award and a Pullitzer Prize. Among the plays greatest achievements is the depiction of the psychology of working class characters. In the plays of the period, depictions of working class life tended to be didactic, with a focus on social commentary or a kind of documentary drama. Williams play sought to depict working-class characters as psychologically evolved entities; to some extent, Williams tries to portray these blue-collar characters on their own terms, without romanticizing them. Tennessee Williams did not express strong admiration for any early American playwrights; his greatest dramatic influence was the brilliant Russian playwright Anton Chekhov. Chekhov, with his elegant juxtaposition of the humorous and the tragic, his lonely characters, and his dark sensibilities, was a powerful inspiration for Tennessee Williams work. At the same time, Williams plays are undeniably American in setting and character. Another important influence was the novelist D. H. Lawrence, who offered Williams a depiction of sexuality as a potent force of life; Lawrence is alluded to in The Glass Menagerie as one of the writers favored by Tom. The American poet Hart Crane was another important influence on Williams; in Cranes tragic life and death, open homosexuality, and determination to create poetry that did not mimic European sensibilities, Williams found endless inspiration. Williams also belongs to the tradition of great Southern writers who have invigorated literary language with the lyricism of Southern English. Like Eugene ONeill, Tennessee Williams wanted to challenge some of the conventions of naturalistic theatre. Summer and Smoke (1948), Camino Real (1953), and The Glass Menagerie (1944), among others, provided some of the early testing ground for Williams innovations. The Glass Menagerie uses music, screen projections, and lighting effects to create the haunting and dream-like atmosphere appropriate for a memory play. Like Eugene ONeills Emperor Jones and Arthur Millers Death of a Salesman, Williams plays explores ways of using the stage to depict the interior life and memories of a character. In Streetcar, stage effects are used to represent Blanches decent into madness. The maddening polka music, jungle sound effects, and strange shadows help to represent the world as Blanche experiences it. These effects are a departure from the conventions o f naturalistic drama, although in this respect Streetcar is not as innovative as The Glass Menagerie. Nevertheless, A Streetcar Named Desire uses these effects to create a highly subjective portrait of the plays central action. On stage, these effects powerfully evoke the terror and isolation of madness. Plot summary Blanche DuBois, a schoolteacher from Laurel, Mississippi, arrives at the New Orleans apartment of her sister, Stella Kowalski. Despite the fact that Blanche seems to have fallen out of close contact with Stella, she intends to stay at Stella’s apartment for an unspecified but likely lengthy period of time, given the large trunk she has with her. Blanche tells Stella that she lost Belle Reve, their ancestral home, following the death of all their remaining relatives. She also mentions that she has been given a leave of absence from her teaching position because of her bad nerves. Though Blanche does not seem to have enough money to afford a hotel, she is disdainful of the cramped quarters of the Kowalskis’ two-room apartment and of the apartment’s location in a noisy, diverse, working-class neighborhood. Blanche’s social condescension wins her the instant dislike of Stella’s husband, an auto-parts supply man of Polish descent named Stanley Kowalski. It is clear that Stella was happy to leave behind her the social pretensions of her background in exchange for the sexual gratification she gets from her husband; she even is pregnant with his baby. Stanley immediately distrusts Blanche to the extent that he suspects her of having cheated Stella out of her share of the family inheritance. In the process of defending herself to Stanley, Blanche reveals that Belle Reve was lost due to a foreclosed mortgage, a disclosure that signifies the dire nature of Blanche’s financial circumstances. Blanche’s heavy drinking, which she attempts to conceal from her sister and brother-in-law, is another sign that all is not well with Blanche. The unhappiness that accompanies the animal magnetism of Stella and Stanley’s marriage reveals itself when Stanley hosts a drunken poker game with his male friends at the apartment. Blanche gets under Stanley’s skin, especially when she starts to win the affections of his close friend Mitch. After Mitch has been absent for a while, speaking with Blanche in the bedroom, Stanley erupts, storms into the bedroom, and throws the radio out of the window. When Stella yells at Stanley and defends Blanche, Stanley beats her. The men pull him off, the poker game breaks up, and Blanche and Stella escape to their upstairs neighbor Eunice’s apartment. A short while later, Stanley is remorseful and cries up to Stella to forgive him. To Blanche’s alarm, Stella returns to Stanley and embraces him passionately. Mitch meets Blanche outside of the Kowalski flat and comforts her in her distress. The next day, Blanche tries to convince Stella to leave Stanley for a better man whose social status equals Stella’s. Blanche suggests that she and Stella contact a millionaire named Shep Huntleigh for help escaping from New Orleans; when Stella laughs at her, Blanche reveals that she is completely broke. Stanley walks in as Blanche is making fun of him and secretly overhears Blanche and Stella’s conversation. Later, he threatens Blanche with hints that he has heard rumors of her disreputable past. She is visibly dismayed. While Blanche is alone in the apartment one evening, waiting for Mitch to pick her up for a date, a teenage boy comes by to collect money for the newspaper. Blanche doesn’t have any money for him, but she hits on him and gives him a lustful kiss. Soon after the boy departs, Mitch arrives, and they go on their date. When Blanche returns, she is exhausted and clearly has been uneasy for the entire night about the rumors Stanley mentioned earlier. In a surprisingly sincere heart-to-heart discussion with Mitch, Blanche reveals the greatest tragedy of her past. Years ago, her young husband committed suicide after she discovered and chastised him for his homosexuality. Mitch describes his own loss of a former love, and he tells Blanche that they need each other. When the next scene begins, about one month has passed. It is the afternoon of Blanche’s birthday. Stella is preparing a dinner for Blanche, Mitch, Stanley, and herself, when Stanley comes in to tell her that he has learned news of Blanche’s sordid past. He says that after losing the DuBois mansion, Blanche moved into a fleabag motel from which she was eventually evicted because of her numerous sexual liaisons. Also, she was fired from her job as a schoolteacher because the principal discovered that she was having an affair with a teenage student. Stella is horrified to learn that Stanley has told Mitch these stories about Blanche. The birthday dinner comes and goes, but Mitch never arrives. Stanley indicates to Blanche that he is aware of her past. For a birthday present, he gives her a one-way bus ticket back to Laurel. Stanley’s cruelty so disturbs Stella that it appears the Kowalski household is about to break up, but the onset of Stella’s labor prevents the imminent fight. Several hours later, Blanche, drunk, sits alone in the apartment. Mitch, also drunk, arrives and repeats all he’s learned from Stanley. Eventually Blanche confesses that the stories are true, but she also reveals the need for human affection she felt after her husband’s death. Mitch tells Blanche that he can never marry her, saying she isn’t fit to live in the same house as his mother. Having learned that Blanche is not the chaste lady she pretended to be, Mitch tries to have sex with Blanche, but she forces him to leave by yelling â€Å"Fire! †to attract the attention of passersby outside. Later, Stanley returns from the hospital to find Blanche even more drunk. She tells him that she will soon be leaving New Orleans with her former suitor Shep Huntleigh, who is now a millionaire. Stanley knows that Blanche’s story is entirely in her imagination, but he is so happy about his baby that he proposes they each celebrate their good fortune. Blanche spurns Stanley, and things grow contentious. When she tries to step past him, he refuses to move out of her way. Blanche becomes terrified to the point that she smashes a bottle on the table and threatens to smash Stanley in the face. Stanley grabs her arm and says that it’s time for the â€Å"date†they’ve had set up since Blanche’s arrival. Blanche resists, but Stanley uses his physical strength to overcome her, and he carries her to bed. The pulsing music indicates that Stanley rapes Blanche. The next scene takes place weeks later, as Stella and her neighbor Eunice pack Blanche’s bags. Blanche is in the bath, and Stanley plays poker with his buddies in the front room. A doctor will arrive soon to take Blanche to an insane asylum, but Blanche believes she is leaving to join her millionaire. Stella confesses to Eunice that she simply cannot allow herself to believe Blanche’s assertion that Stanley raped her. When Blanche emerges from the bathroom, her deluded talk makes it clear that she has lost her grip on reality. The doctor arrives with a nurse, and Blanche initially panics and struggles against them when they try to take her away. Stanley and his friends fight to subdue Blanche, while Eunice holds Stella back to keep her from interfering. Mitch begins to cry. Finally, the doctor approaches Blanche in a gentle manner and convinces her to leave with him. She allows him to lead her away and does not look back or say goodbye as she goes. Stella sobs with her child in her arms, and Stanley comforts her with loving words and caresses.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Learning English In The Vietnamese Context
Learning English In The Vietnamese Context English has become a vital and mandatory communication language in Vietnam since the opening of its doors to the world in 1986. Many English-speaking foreigners from across Asia, Australia, America and Europe started coming to invest in Vietnam. This has motivated the people of Vietnam to learn English to facilitate efficient and effective communication among their counterparts. The importance of English was immediately acknowledged by the Vietnamese government and as a result the English language programs were made compulsory beginning with the secondary schools and subsequently the high schools and finally university. The teaching of English in secondary and high schools strongly focus mainly on grammar, sentence structures and vocabulary. In such a teaching format, conversational English was not taken into consideration. In addition, English learning and teaching is purely examination-based. Examinations were mainly grammar-focused. As a result, the teachers and academicians teach only the bare necessity which is required to pass the examination and is not linked to the learning needs of individual students. This has caused students to become de-motivated because English is just another subject at school, not part of their life. Many students eventually fail to see the importance and pride in being able to speak fluent English. At university level, students who are motivated to develop their competencies in English can pursue a Bachelorà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s degree in English Language Teaching or a Bachelor of English degree. After graduation, they can work as teachers of English within the Vietnamese education system or as an English translator/interpreter depending on their capacity and proficiency. Students in these programs normally study for four years, course subjects among others include lessons about language structures, linguistics and teaching methodology. While this may sound theoretically sufficient, the learning and teaching of English in Vietnam today is purely limited to teacher-focused classrooms or in other words teaching methods that do not create opportunities for learners to satisfy their communicative needs. The English syllabus in Vietnam is very Grammar-focused. Therefore, it is very difficult for Vietnamese learners to communicate fluently and effectively in English sinc e it is rarely spoken in Vietnam with the exception of some special places and events such as offices of multinational corporations and English language clubs. In fact you will hardly see Vietnamese speak English unless absolutely necessary. This is a far cry from neighboring countries like Singapore, Malaysia and the Philippines where English is spoken even during casual conversations with friends and family. In recent years, the teaching methodologies of English has been through an enormous amount of changes and improvements especially in the areas of how the communicative approach is being widely applied and integrated into the English learning language classrooms. In classrooms of today, we see more and more learner response taking place. As a result, the English curriculum has also been revamped to generate youths which are able to communicate holistically in English and not merely in grammar theories. Problem statement The result of poor learning and ineffective teaching methodologies of English in Vietnamese classrooms today (due to the lack of genuine communication experience and examination à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ centric lessons) are generating many students that achieve relatively good grades in their exams but on the other hand unable to communicate effectively in the real world. According to Cunningham Una (2009) Vietnamese-accented speech in English has been informally observed to be notably unintelligible for native English-speaking listeners and even for Vietnamese listeners. There are extremely limited opportunities for proper hearing and speaking of English in Vietnam. It is undeniable that the pronunciation of English presents severe challenges to Vietnamese learners but they were not trained on how to pronounce English phonetics accurately and nobody corrected their mispronunciations in the early years of learning English. In addition, students mainly learn English pronunciation from Vietnamese English teachers who sometimes encounter difficulties themselves. Students are likely to imitate their teachersà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢ pronunciation. This is somehow a kin to the Blind man leading another Blind man across the street. The concern here is that we are unsure if Vietnamese students can recognize common pronunciation errors which they make on a regular basis. The purpose of the study This paper explores to what extent Vietnamese learners recognize common pronunciation errors in their spoken English and the reasons why they do not or are unable to correct their own mistakes. Suggestions will be made on how to improve the methods of teaching and correcting English pronunciation flaws in the Vietnamese context. The significance of the study This study will paint honest picture of the difficulties in learning and improving the English pronunciation of Vietnamese students. The students will have opportunity to self-assess their own English speech and recognize their mispronunciation with support from a native English-speaker. In the event a native speaker is unavailable, an equally competent and qualified speaker of English will be invited to observe and act as a point of reference. The scope of the study The primary focus of this study is to present an overview on the major difference between English and Vietnamese phonology and the capacity of a Vietnamese speaker to recognize common English pronunciation errors in his/her own speech. The students for this study will consist of English Language undergraduate students from the Foreign Languages Faculty at the Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City. The correlation between theory and practice in the learning of English pronunciation will also be studied. The study will contribute some suggestions that will further enhance the accuracy in pronouncing the English phonetics. Methodology The experiment will be conducted using qualitative methods. The speech of three students during a speaking test at the Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City will be recorded and analyzed. All three students will get to listen to their own speech again respectively to see if they are able identify their pronunciation errors. A native/competent English speaker will also get listen to the studentsà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢ speech to identify their mistakes in pronunciation.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Good and Evil Angel
Good and Evil Angel The play begins with the Chorus informing the audience about the main character, Faustus, a scholar, like Icarus, [whose] waxen wings did mount above his reach (Prologue, 21). In the very first scene of the play, Faustus talks about philosophy, medicine, law, and theology and is hesitant about all. Lastly he chooses to study magic. He rejects theology. He is glutted more with conceit (Scene I, 18) and he prefers black magic to what he preferred before; he asserts: . . . Divinity, adieu! (Scene I, 48), that is, he rejects to be in heaven and reunite with God. The Good and the Evil Angel that appear in several parts of the play are both real and symbolic; they represent Faustus inner conflict. They appear in the most dramatic scenes where Faustus is in conflict. They appear offering advice as Faustus is preparing to sign in blood a contract so as to give his soul to Lucifer. They also appear at the time Faustus is talking to Mephistopheles about repenting. Here, while Good Angel urges Faustus to repent and wish Gods mercy, Evil Angel tells him not to repent. Finally he agrees with Evil Angel. GOOD ANGEL. O Faustus, lay that damned book aside, And gaze not on it, lest it tempt thy soul, And heap Gods heavy wrath upon thy head: Read, read the Scriptures; that is blasphemy. EVIL ANGEL. Go forward, Faustus, in that famous art, Wherein all natures treasury is contained: Be thou on earth as Jove is in the sky, Lord and commander of these elements. [Exeunt] (Scene I, 70-77) GOOD ANGEL. Sweet Faustus, leave that execrable art. FAUSTUS. Contrition, prayer, repentance: what of them? GOOD ANGEL. O they are means to bring thee unto heaven. EVIL ANGEL. Rather illusions, fruits of lunacy, That makes men foolish that do trust them most. (Scene V, 15-19) The angels do appear at the same time in the play; and they leave together as well. Interestingly enough, it is always the Good Angel that appears first and it is Evil Angel that speaks the last words. If we think of the angels symbolically, the Good Angels appearing first probably refers to Faustus conscience and Evil Angels last words may symbolize Faustus self-temptation. Valdes and Cornelius magicians will teach Faustus black arts. As Faustus is about to sign in blood a contract so as to give his soul to Lucifer, the Good and Evil Angels enter again. As Faustus signs the contract he asks about hell, however convince himself that hells a fable (Scene V, 126) despite Mephistopheles honest response: FAUSTUS. Was not that Lucifer an angel once? MEPHIST. Yes Faustus, and most dearly loved of God. FAUSTUS. How comes it then that he is prince of devils? MEPHIST. O, by aspiring pride and insolence, For which God threw him from the face of heaven. FAUSTUS. And what are you that live with Lucifer? MEPHIST. Unhappy spirits that fell with Lucifer, Conspired against our God with Lucifer, And are for ever damned with Lucifer. FAUSTUS. Where are you damned? MEPHIST. In hell. FAUSTUS. How comes it then that thou art out of hell? MEPHIST. Why this is hell, nor am I out of it. Thinkst thou that I, who saw the face of God, And tasted the eternal joys of heaven, Am not tormented with ten thousand hells In being deprived of everlasting bliss! O Faustus, leave these frivolous demands, Which strike a terror to my fainting soul. (Scene IV, 64-82) There is the question of choice in the play. Faustus has chosen to sign the contract. He is completely free in his choice since Mephistopheles is quite honest in his attitude. Faustus fault here is to ignore repentance as an alternative. He also misunderstands the concept of hell, thinking that it is just physical torment. Faustus is unaware about the fact that hell is a kind of psychological torment which is in fact a part of his tragedy. In the fifth scene, Faustus asks Mephistopheles who made the world (Scene V, 237). Mephistopheles avoids answering Faustus question and introduces seven deadly sins: Pride, Covetousness, Envy, Wrath, Gluttony, Sloth, and Lechery (Scene V, 276). In changing the spectacle to the Seven Deadly Sins, Marlowe has not only opened the way for some moral satire, but he has purposely and ironically presented the pageant as the visible gratification of Faustus. Faustus himself responds with the greatest delight, blasphemously comparing his joy in the procession with Adams joy at the sight of Paradise on the day of his creation. Delight in the Seven Deadly Sins is a far cry from the answer to who made the world, and it is not without point that, after this episode, Faustus makes no more speculative inquiries of any kind. (Cole 1962, 214) As Fermor asserts, the character of Faustus is not that of one man, but of man himself, of Everyman (Fermor 84). In Everyman the tragic flaw pride, wilfulness causes blindness to the nature and destiny of man; . . . hubris destroys the understanding of the nature and limitations of knowledge (Cole 1962, 234). Faustus actions are completely humane. As Cole has suggested, Faustus never causes anyones death (Cole 1995, 124); he causes his own damnation. Dr. Faustus suggests that because human beings are creatures in whom good and evil are tragically intermingled, the process of purification which the magicians described is impossible. The human aspiration to attain a godlike status and to exert benevolent control over history is almost inevitably corrupted by selfish desires for wealth, sensual indulgence, and political power. The refusal to admit this is Faustus fatal error, as is perfectly clear when he reads from Jeromes Bible: If we say that we haue no sinne, / We deceiue our selues (69-70). (Mebane 135) The theme of appearance versus reality is an important one throughout the play. Faustus confuses appearance and reality and wants to go beyond what he sees. By Aristotelian definition, a tragedy is about a hero whose fatal flaw ends himself. Doctor Faustus is a typical Aristotelian tragedy where a man of high importance a scholar out of pride, sells his soul to Devil. The tragic downfall of the hero is when he signs the contract with the devil. There is also catharsis in the Aristotelian sense; the audiences feel pity and fear; pity for Faustus suffering his tragedy, then fear of themselves putting themselves in Faustus place. Faustus can repent before the end of the play but he prefers not to; he misleads himself: FAUSTUS: My hearts so hardned I cannot repent! Scarce can I name salvation, faith, or heaven, But fearful echoes thunders in mine ears, Faustus, thou are damned (Scene V, 192-95) And long ere this I should have slain my self, Had not sweet pleasure conquered deep despair. Have not I made blind Homer sing to me Of Alexanders love, and Oenons death? (Scene V, 195-98). Why should I die then, or basely despair? I am resolved! Faustus shall neer repent. (Scene V, 205- 206) Doctor Faustus represents the attitudes of Renaissance England, it symbolizes the Renaissance individual who wants to go beyond his perception. Marlowe reflects the Renaissance perception of reason that gives human beings the power to discern, as well as the power to choose and finally forms the basis for moral responsibility (Cole 1995, 127). Thus Faustus himself is responsible for his own actions; it is Faustus who causes his own fall. He suffers from personal responsibility of free human choice and the inevitable consequences of his own choice. Primary Source(s) Marlowe, Christopher. Doctor Faustus Norton Anthology of English Literature sixth edition vol. 1. Ed. Abrams, M.H. New York: M.H. Norton Company: 1993. Secondary Sources Cole, Douglas. Christopher Marlowe and the Renaissance of Tragedy. Westport, CT.: 1995. _. Suffering and Evil in the Plays of Christopher Marlowe. Princeton, NJ. Princeton University Press: 1962. Fermor, U.M. Ellis. Christopher Marlowe. London, Methuen: 1927. Mebane, John S. Renaissance Magic and the Return of the Golden Age: The Occult Tradition and Marlowe, Jonson, and Shakespeare. Lincoln, NE., University of Nebraska Press: 1989.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Essay --
This essay explores the mutually beneficial commercial collaborations between the tobacco companies and major motion picture studios from the late 1920s through the 1940s. Smoking in movies is associated with adolescent and young adult smoking initiation. Public health efforts to eliminate smoking from films accessible to youth have been countered by defenders of the status quo, who associate tobacco imagery in â€Å"classic†movies with artistry and nostalgia. Both the entertainment and tobacco industries recognised the high value of promotion of tobacco through entertainment media. Each company hired aggressive product placement firms to represent its interests in Hollywood. These firms placed products and tobacco signage in positive situations that would encourage viewers to use tobacco and kept brands from being used in negative situations. Efforts were also made to place favourable articles relating to product use by actors in national print media and to encourage professional photographers to take pictures of actors smoking specific brands. The cigar industry started developing connections with the entertainment industry beginning in the 1980s and paid product placements were made in both movies and on television. This effort did not always require money payments from the tobacco industry to the entertainment industry, suggesting that simply looking for cash payoffs may miss other important ties between the tobacco and entertainment industries. So, therefore the tobacco industry understood the value of placing and encouraging tobacco use in films, and how to do it. While the industry claims to have ended this practice, smoking in motion pictures increased throughout the 1990s and remains a public health problem. The tobacco i... ...y has a long history of working to influence Hollywood. The power of film to promote the â€Å"social acceptability†and desirability of tobacco use, particularly among young people, is a continuing inducement for the tobacco industry to utilise this medium. The increase in tobacco use and the continuing appearance of specific brands in movies since 1990 may reflect continuing activities by the tobacco industry, despite the industry's voluntary restrictions on such practices. It may be that, as with provisions of the industry's voluntary advertising code that nominally restricts print marketing to children, the industry finds ways around its own rules. Until something is done to reduce and eliminate pro-tobacco images on film, motion pictures will remain one of the most powerful forces in the world promoting tobacco and serving the tobacco industry's financial interests.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Malcolm X Essay -- rights of African Americans
A black militant, Malcolm X championed the rights of African Americans and urged them to develop racial unity. He was known for his association first with the Nation of Islam, sometimes known as the Black Muslims, and later with the Organization of Afro-American Unity, which he founded after breaking with the Nation of Islam. Malcolm Little was born in Omaha, Neb., on May 19, 1925, the seventh of eleven children. The family soon moved to Lansing, Mich. There they were harassed by whites who resented the black nationalist views of the father, Earl Little, an organizer for Marcus Garvey's "back-to-Africa" movement. When Malcolm was 6 his father was murdered. His mother later suffered a nervous breakdown, and the family was separated by welfare agencies. Later in his life Malcolm came to believe that white people had destroyed his family. Placed in a series of schools and boardinghouses, Malcolm became a fine student and dreamed of becoming a lawyer. A teacher, however, told him that because he was black he should learn carpentry instead. Discouraged, he left school after the eighth grade to live with a relative in Boston, Mass.Malcolm shined shoes and worked at a soda fountain, in a restaurant, and on a railroad kitchen crew. In 1942 he moved to the black Harlem section of New York City. He lived as a hustler, cheating to make money. He was wary of the police. A pusher, he sold drugs and became an addict himself. Pursued by a riva...
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Recent trends in Marketing Essay
Inauguration by a Celebrity: In this, the celebrity becomes a brand ambassador of the hospitality unit and thus it leads to creating an image of the restaurant. The inauguration leads to an indirect advertisement in the newspapers informing people that the restaurant has been inaugurated by this celebrity. For example: Food Star Restaurant in Bandra-Khar area inaugurated by Actor Salman Khan helped the restaurant in marketing its image. Sandwich Man: This concept is very popular in the United States. In this, an individual wearing a costume which has a resemblance with the restaurants image tries to attract and market the restaurant to the people who pass by. The sandwich man tries to interact and entertain the people thus persisting them to eat in the restaurant. This is a form of direct marketing done by the restaurant directly to individuals without the help of any electronic or non-living medium. For example: McDonalds uses this concept of Sandwich man Advertisement in Magazines and Newspaper: Often restaurateurs and hoteliers try to invite different food critics so that they can write good reviews in about the restaurant and hotelier. In this the restaurant or hotel is marketed using a print medium and thus gets a good amount of audience who might become a potential customer of the restaurant. For example: Magazine like Good Food and Sunday Times. Advertising via Phone: Customers are often given feedback forms after they are done with the meal. In which they feed in their mobile no’s and also other details. In this process, the restaurant will store the details of the customer in a certain database and will try market the restaurants various discounts or food items through the medium of SMS to the customer. This is basically a form of retaining the customer.For Example: Rajdhani Restaurant In-Store Media: In-store media the restaurant uses television or radio within the restaurant and tries to re-capture the interest of the customer to order more food. The in-store media informs sometimes about the menu of the restaurant and or it just keeps playing the Television advertisement of the restaurant. For example: McDonalds in certain malls of foreign countries Outdoor Advertising: In outdoor advertising, the restaurant tries to attract people by just placing an information board about certain discount or certain buffet in the restaurant. For example: Every Saturday, Krishna Chhaya Restaurant in Khar has buffet service for Lunch. Online Restaurant Info Guides: Various sites like, and are sites where people can get all the information of the restaurant and also of the reviews of the customers who have visited that restaurant. This online restaurant guide is one of the most popular techniques in marketing of restaurant. Food Festival: In food festival, the restaurant will come up with a certain kind of theme for a certain period of days. This theme includes the restaurant staff wearing clothes according to the theme and also the food being prepared based on that theme. For example: Barbeque Nation came up with African Food Festival in May 2012 Restaurant/ Hotel Website: Now-a-days, all kind of restaurant and hotels have come with their own websites. These websites include the various products, services, locations etc. The customers can even order food through these websites which ge ts home delivered. This is a popular technique used in advertising wherein the restaurant by itself advertises providing its information. For example:, Telephone and E-mail Marketing: Restaurateurs create a database of all their past customers and also the potential customers and they keep on trying to attract them back to the restaurant through phone communication or e-mailing them. They call or email them and inform them of the various new products or discounts available. For example: e-mails of discounts on large pizza orders from dominos. Guerrilla Marketing: Guerrilla marketing is an advertising strategy that focuses on low-cost unconventional marketing tactics that yield maximum results. The original term was coined by Jay Conrad Levinson in his 1984 book ‘Guerrilla Advertising’. This alternative advertising style relies heavily on unconventional marketing strategy, high energy and imagination. Guerrilla Marketing is about making customers surprise and create a buzz among them. Take- away Menu: Often when food is home-delivered, the parcel also includes the take-away menu. This take-away menu is a kind of marketin g done by the restaurant to advertise itself with recent changes in done to the menu. For example: The pizza box of dominoes also has a take-away menu stuck on it. Movie Theatre Advertising: In this, restaurant tries to advertise itself in local theatres to attract the potential local customer. For example: the Lakara restaurant of Punjab sweets in Bandra West is advertised in the local multiplex named Gaiety Galaxy. Transit advertising: In this, the vehicles delivering food are painted with certain logo and contact info of the restaurant, so that people can view and save the contact info of the restaurant and thus order from them. This is a form of indirect advertising. For example: Pizza Hut bikes have the contact no painted on the back container of the bike. Coupon Cards: Coupon cards and vouchers are given through various ways to customer and thus to utilize these coupons the customer will come to the restaurant. This technique is applicable to new customers as well as old customers. Popular fast food joints use this technique every now and then. For example: Smokin Joe’s pizza often has menu cards filled with coupons. Television Advertising: In this form of advertising, restaurant and hoteliers can market their products and services to a large amount of people and thus help in creating awareness about the brand. For example: Dominoes 30 minutes or less advertisement is advertised on television. Sponsoring Social Events: This technique of marketing a restaurant is used when it has opened up in a local area and trying to create awareness about itself. For example: Krishna Chhaya Restaurant in Khar West sponsors the college festival Utkaarsh of Khar Education society college of Commerce and Economics. Discount on Large Orders: This attracts customers who would like large orders or prefer catering service. For example: Biryani being sold in kgs. Word of Mouth Publicity: This is a form of indirect publicity whereby the restaurant provides good service to the customer and also expects that the customer might pass on a good word about the restaurant in the market. Restaurant and hotels try to maintain a database whereby they take information from customer through question that : Will they be coming back to the restaurant? Will they recommend the restaurant to their friends or family? Asking new customers, from where to got to know about the restaurant? (with options of friends, family, newspaper etc.) WEBLIOGRAPHY f-stickers-in-advertising/
Monday, September 16, 2019
Food Predicament Essay
1. List three factors largely responsible for the significant increase in North American food production since the end of World War II. a. Population Growth b. Rising personal income 2. Describe the trends in world food production vis-a-vis population growth from 1950 to the present. There is more people to supply food than before. 3. To what extent does expanding the amount of land under cultivation offer hope for significantly increasing world food supply? Why? To permit unproductive lands to be farmed, making it possible to raise two to three crops a year on the same land. 4. List four reasons for the loss of currently productive agricultural land. a. erosion b. desertification c. salinization d. water-logging 5. What factors make it unlikely that ocean fish harvests can be increased substantially above present levels? Large predator fish, overexploitation by industrial fishing fleets has reduced stocks of some species. 6. List several changes in food-handling practices that poor countries could implement to prevent loss of harvested crops. Store grains in bins that may not be easily penetrated, have good refrigeration and have reliable transport for the food. 7. To what extent can â€Å"eating lower on the food chain†help to solve problems of world hunger? It will help until the population grows more and going vegetarian would not be possible. 8. Why are a number of relatively affluent countries purchasing farmland in other nations? What are the advantages and disadvantages of such purchases for the host country? Because of the productive soil their food will grow much better in each different region. Some advantages might be that they will have that food available for the consumers and some disadvantages might be that there is a climate change and loose the crop. B. Match the following deficiency diseases with the nutritional factor (shown below the table) whose absence provoked these conditions (you can use the factor or corresponding letter (a, b, †¦.): 1. childhood blindness 2. marasmus 3. anemia 4. kwashiorkor 5. mental retardation 6. pellagra 7. scurvy 8. rickets 9. beri-beri a. protein b. fiber c. vitamin A d. vitamin Bl (thiamine) e. vitamin C f. vitamin D g. vitamin E h. niacin i. iodine j. iron k. overall calorie/protein shortage C. True/False. Indicate T or F in the space before each numbered question. If the statement is false, revise it below in the box provided to make a correct statement; focus your response on the words in bold. 1. As incomes rise, food demand increases because more affluent people eat larger quantities of food. 2. It is estimated that approximately a billion people in the world today are undernourished. 3.Within families in poor societies, adolescent boys are the most likely to suffer from malnutrition. 4. Overpopulation is the major cause of chronic hunger problems in the developing world. 5. In societies where hunger is widespread, the rate of malnutrition among children and women is much higher than it is among men. 6. Malnutrition is most harmful when it occurs among children under 5. 7. The damaging effects of childhood malnutrition are reversible if the child receives an adequate diet when he/she becomes older. 8. Malnourished women are likely to give birth to underweight babies and to produce poor quality breast milk. 9. Marasmus is responsible for more childhood deaths in developing countries than any other single cause. 10. The most common nutritional deficiency disease worldwide is kwashiorkor. 11. A swollen belly, discoloration of the hair and skin, and stunted physical development are all classic symptoms of overall protein/calorie deprivation. 12. The world’s single most important cause of preventable brain damage and mental retardation is Vitamin A deficiency. 13. Aquaculrure offers greater hope for increasing the world’s fish harvest than does intensifying efforts in ocean fishing. 14. World livestock production, which rose steadily from 1950-1990, has subsequently leveled off because of falling market demand for meat. 15. Anemia is a leading cause of high female mortality rates and problem pregnancies in many poor countries. 16. Aquaculture supplies almost all of the tuna fish found in American supermarkets. 17. Biotechnology can help reduce farmers’ reliance on chemical fertilizers and pesticides and may make it possible to cultivate lands currently too dry or too saline for farming. 18. Among species commonly raised to supply animal protein for human consumption, fish are the most efficient energy converters, requiring just 2-3 pounds of feed to gain one pound of flesh. 19. In sub-Saharan Africa, grain production has remained stagnant at about one ton/ hectare since the early 1960s. 20. Significant increases in agricultural production achieved by technological breakthroughs such as the â€Å"miracle grains†or genetically modified crop and livestock varieties will ensure that all the world’s people enjoy an adequate diet.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Angels with Dirty Faces Film Review
Madden 1 Sarah Madden 18 November 2012 Film Review: Angels with Dirty Faces, USA 1938 The film I have chosen to review and analyse under the theoretical frame Genre is Angels with Dirty Faces, a gangster film directed by Michael Curtiz starring James Cagney and Humphrey Bogart. In Andrew Tudor’s book â€Å"Theories of Film†, he argued that genre is â€Å"what we collectively believe it to be†. I believe that when Tudor says â€Å"we†he means the audience. Audiences have an expectation of what they assume a film to be like and this is down to genre.According to Jill Nelmes, â€Å"Genre is a fundamental means by which we communicate†. Characters, setting and events are made predictable to assist the audience in fulfilling their expectations. The study of Iconography also has a lot to do regarding genre and how such things like props, costumes and settings can tell the audience what genre a film is supposed to be in. When films are placed in certain g enres, recurring events and characters are expected.The likes of Al Capone and James Cagney were recurring actors on contract used for the gangster genre in the Hollywood Studio System around the 1930s and this entertained the audiences as they knew what to expect from their idealised actors from the roles they played. Angels with Dirty Faces epitomises the gangster genre during the 1930s. Made in 1938, the Michael Curtiz film followed rules and conventions that were expected of the genre around that time. The gangster film emerged from the Great Depression and the First World War, as gangsters of America, and more precisely New York began to â€Å"run†urban cities.In â€Å"A World History of Film†, Robert Sklar wrote: â€Å"These [Gangster] films responded to the changes in urban crime as a result of the post-World War 1 amendment to the United States Constitution prohibiting the manufacture, distribution, or sale of alcoholic beverages. Prohibition fostered powerfu l criminal organizations that supplied illegal liquor, their highly publicized exploits found their way into films in the later 1920s. †Madden 2 There is an obvious question regarding gangster films about whether they suppress criminality or encourage it.In Angels with Dirty Faces, we see how the gangster lifestyle is having a bad effect on the youths, but how the main gangster, Rocky Sullivan, is punished in the end for his rebellion against the law. In his review of the film, Jeremiah Kipp wrote: â€Å"It begs the question of how much the gangster movie star persona affects our youth. †The film fits the genre it is categorised in as it follows the conventions of other gangster films. It is set in the slums of New York City where the Dead End Kids grow up and where Rocky Sullivan and Jerry Connolly grew up.There is a loyalty present between Sullivan and Connolly that goes back to when they were delinquent children, although Connolly betters his life by joining the pr iesthood, whereas Sullivan spends his childhood in the society for juvenile delinquents and much of his life in prison. Connolly is coined as the hero in this story and he follows the characteristics of the hero in Schatz’ â€Å"Genres of Order†, whereby Schatz lists the general characteristics related to the heroic figure in the gangster and also western genres.The hero, Schatz describes, is male dominant, located in a contested space usually unstable, surrounded by externalised conflict expressed through violence and takes it upon himself to resolve the problems and eliminate the villain, usually leading to the death of the villain. Connolly possesses all of these traits as he is indeed male, the location is in the slums of the city, he is surrounded by figures like Sullivan who use violence as a solution and he, being old friends with Sullivan, tries to stop him on his own, without police assistance, as we see in the final scenes of the film.This shows how character s in a certain type of film genre can help define that genre as they follow similar characteristics. Another aspect common within the gangster genre and present within Angels with Dirty Faces, is the rise and fall of the gangster, which we see from when Sullivan is released from prison at the start to when he is executed at the end. The message in almost all of the gangster films is that crime doesn’t pay, which is shown by the demise of the gangster at the end. Films within the gangster genre also follow certain themes such as Betrayal, Self-destruction and Loyalty.We can see these themes emerging in Curtiz’ film as Connolly betrays Sullivan, for the benefit of the Dead End Kids, by giving information to the newspapers and police and going public in a bid to stop the crime in the city, starting with Sullivan. The theme of Self-destruction is also evident as Sullivan does no favours for himself by rebelling against the law and by shooting at the police. Madden 3 Sulliv an continually makes bad choices which end up in his own self-destruction as he is eventually caught and punished for his actions.The theme of Loyalty is also introduced in gangster films, usually with the gangster mobs being loyal to one another, but in Angels with Dirty Faces, we see Sullivan’s loyalty to Connolly. Sullivan respects Connolly and shows this at the end of the film when Connolly asks Sullivan to be a coward at the time of his death, so as not to be a hero to the Dead End Kids, which Sullivan reluctantly does. The study of Iconography ties in with the defining of genre as an audience can tell the type of genre a film is within the opening sequence, looking at clothing, props, music and settings.The visual signifiers of a gangster film include weapons such as guns; the setting being usually in a big city, smart clothing on the successful, superior gangsters and shabby clothing on the younger figures living in a gangster lifestyle. The visual signifiers of Angels with Dirty Faces which helped determine it was a gangster film was the enclosed urban city setting, the troublesome youths stealing from a cargo train and the fast and anticipating music when they are running from the police, followed by the downbeat, ominous tone of music when one of the youths are caught.The verbal signifiers also helps one determine the genre of a film, as the dialogue and language used can indicate the film. The way the two young boys speak, along with how they are dressed, shows their upbringing in an unprivileged, urban lifestyle. The first shot shows a newspaper headline, which reads â€Å"Harding nominated for President†reveals to the audience that the film was set in 1921. The film shows many front page newspaper close-ups throughout, which helps the audience follow what is going on without having to show a clip-by-clip action.Angels with Dirty Faces follows the pattern of other gangster genre films by the execution of Sullivan at the end, showing the rise and fall of the gangster. This portrays a message to the audience that the gangster never wins. For morality purposes, the gangster cannot be seen as glorified and must always be seen to be defeated or killed in order to protect society. In his article, â€Å"Teaching through Genre†, Tom Ryall says that â€Å"Genres may be defined as patterns/forms/styles/structures which transcend individual films, and which supervise both their construction by the film maker, and their reading by an audience.Madden 4 Ryall is saying that although films are made individually, they follow some patterns or structures which categorises them into certain types of genre. The gangster film follows certain aspects regarding iconography, setting, events etc. which make it fall into the gangster genre. Angels with Dirty Faces follows some of the forms and structures of other gangster films such as the use of weapons, the violence, the slick clothing of the higher gangsters and the death of the gangster at the end which all show why it locates itself in the Gangster genre.Iconography is also used when defining genre as it helps an audience fulfil their expectations. Madden 5 Works Cited Angels with Dirty Faces. Dir. Michael Curtiz. Perf. James Cagney, Pat O’Brien, Humphrey Bogart. Warner Bros, 1938. DVD. Sklar, Robert. A World History of Film. Ed. Katherine Rangoon Doyle. New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc. , 2002. Print. Hollows, Joanne, and Mark Jancovich, eds. Approaches to Popular Film. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1995. Print.Nelmes, Jill, ed. An Introduction to Film Studies. 2nd Ed. New York: Routledge, 1999. Print. Kipp, Jeremiah. â€Å"Angels with Dirty Faces†. Rev. of Angels with Dirty Faces, dir. Michael Curtiz. Slant Magazine Online: 2 Feb. 2005. Web. 17 Nov. 2012. Tudor, Andrew. Theories of Film. New York: Viking Adult, 1974. Print. Schatz, Thomas. Hollywood Genres: Formulas, Filmmaking, and the Studio System. New York, N. Y. : McGraw- Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Languages, 1981. Print.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
‘Away’ by Michael Gow
Michael Gow’s play Away is the story of three different Australian families who go on holiday for Christmas in the sixties. By going away each family is hoping to resolve their issues. Although Away is set some time ago the themes and issues explored in the play are still relevant to a modern day audience, even one of a non-Australian background. Shakespearean plays that were written many hundreds of years ago and are still understandable and relevant to people all over the world today. Away is the story of three Australian families who go on holiday during the Christmas of 1968. Roy and Coral (the headmaster and his wife) are becoming increasingly close to breaking up. Their son was killed in the Vietnam War and Coral is still grieving for him. Tom and Meg were in the school’s production of A Midsummer’s Nights Dream. Tom has Leukaemia, and his parents, Harry and Vic, haven’t told him that he is going to die, but Tom has worked it out already. Tom and his family immigrated to Australia form England. They are going on holiday knowing that it could be their last together as a family, and are determined to have a good time. Meg is the same age as Tom and they both like each other. Meg’s parents, Gwen and Jim are going on holiday so Gwen can have a break. Gwen is a rather uptight and stressed person and thinks that to have anything good happen you have to make sacrifices. During each of the three families holidays there is a storm and they coincidently end up on the same beach. Away by Michael Gow is set in suburban Australia in the summer of 1968. However the specific time and place do not make it any less relevant to me. I could still relate to and understand what was happening in the play, even though it is set in a time before I was born. This is very much like Shakespearean plays that were written hundreds of years ago, even today people can still connect with the characters in them. It is interesting to note that Gow begins Away with a Shakespearean play, A Midsummer’s Nights Dream, and then choses to end it with another of Shakespeare’s plays, King Lear. Away, like Shakespearean plays is non-naturalism, a feature of this being the non-changing set. Throughout the production of Away that I saw the set remains the same except for basic props such as suitcases and a table. White sand covered the floor and lights were shone on the sails to show the hanges between scenes for the play. In the play Tom is compared to Chip Rafferty, a well-known Australian actor who died at age 62 in 1971. Younger people of today probably haven’t heard of him, but from watching the play and reading the script can safely assume that he was a famous actor. What makes Away relevant to an audience of today or from a non-Au stralian background are the universal themes present in the play. As long as the audience can connect and empathise with a character or understand a theme in the play then it will be relevant to them. Some of the themes in the play include death/grief/loss, racism, class systems, and relationships. The relationship between Gwen and Meg (mother and daughter) is quite strained during the play. Gwen is portrayed as a very uptight and stressed person, while Meg is in her late teens and has her own ideas about things. During Act Three Gwen and Meg begin arguing over Jim’s missing Christmas presents for everyone. The argument ends with Gwen saying how hard she tries to make things good for Meg, and Meg apologises. I feel that I can connect to Meg, especially in the scene where she is arguing with her mother. After that argument her father, (Jim) asks her why she did it, because he’d asked her not to upset her mother and she did. Meg replies that she couldn’t help herself. I know how she feels. You don’t mean to hurt the person or upset them but you just have to have your say, no matter what the consequences of that may be. I also feel that I can relate to Gwen, Meg’s mother as she reminds me of my own mum. The near constant stressing about everything, and wanting the very best for her daughter is very familiar. The issue of death is also covered in Away. Roy and Coral lost a son in the Vietnam was and Coral is still grieving for him. While Harry and Vic know that there son Tom is going to die from leukaemia. People all over the world, no matter what language they speak, what culture they come from, or which country they live in can understand and empathise with what these families may be feeling. The sense of loss and grief that comes with death is a universal feeling that can make the play relevant to so many people.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Dilemma Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Dilemma - Essay Example He should not receive anything of economic value other than those required or allowed by law because it might influence him in the discharge of his duties as a public official. His actions do not represent the greater good. He is the only one benefiting from the gifts that he receives. Locke would have addressed the problem of the Mayor by saying that he believes that there is no harm in accepting the gifts given to him. He will perceive the Mayor as one who has a conscience and will be guided by his sense of goodwill, so much so that he will not let the gifts affect the discharge of his duties. The answer of Locke differs from one’s opinions because one is more aware of the growing incidence of graft and corruption in government nowadays. One believes that the college instructor is pursuing her doctorate degree at the expense of the student’s learning. She is only concerned about her welfare and does not take into consideration what effect it has on the students. Her actions do not represent the greater good. As a professor, she has a responsibility to enrich and enhance the students’ learnings. She should at least exert an effort to improve her lectures and keep it updated. If Locke were to address this problem, he would say that it is but natural for the professor to act that way because each individual is driven by self-interest. Locke might say that the professor is just doing that because he is protecting his self-interest and that it does not do any harm to the students anyway. Locke’s ethics is different than mine because Locke seems to always look at the good side of every individual. He thinks that persons do not mean any harm to anybody. One considers the decision of Todd and Edna to have a child to solve their marital problems is the worst solution to their problem. Having a child will not solve Edna’s drinking problem and Todd’s employment problem. Edna’s drinking problem will have a bad effect on the baby. On
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Community and Public Health Nursing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Community and Public Health Nursing - Essay Example A metaphor for community is 'system' in that a community has inter-related and inter-dependant structures that work together to form a whole greater than the sum of its parts. Further, the behaviors of the people making up this system are reactive to stimuli. The community as a whole can be conceived of conceptually as 'client' (McGary, 2003). A community is comprised of aggregate groups. An aggregate a can be defined as a collection of all the individuals within the community who have the same specific characteristics, for example the aggregate of older persons or families within London (Bakken, Cashen, Eneida, Mendonca, O'Brien, & Zieniewicz, 2000). Where the focus of care is on more than the single person the term aggregate is often used. In this sense, the aggregate can also be conceptualized as 'client'. The aggregate are the sub-population which share a common interest, problem or purpose. However, as an aggregate is part of a community there is an inter-relationship between th e needs of the aggregate and the needs of the wider community(Bakken et al., 2000).. Hence, each of these 'clients' functions within an external environment, and incorporates and is affected by biopsychosocial factors. To effectively differentiate between a community and aggregate is essential for nurses to be able to provide community care and care of specific groups.
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
EMBA 560 Executive position week 2 discussion 2 Essay
EMBA 560 Executive position week 2 discussion 2 - Essay Example He or she must be articulate, a good communicator particularly in face-to-face meetings with clients, a fundamental understanding of medical devices and equipment, and an affinity for the challenges of working in sales and marketing. Half of the job of being a good marketing professional is earning the trust and confidence of the client, so it is a vital requirement that the candidate for my position is honest and sincere, has a genuine affinity for people (that is, he or she should not have issues about not wanting to be among strangers), and could inspire a genuine trust in people. Things like these could not be faked. At the same time, my replacement should be forward looking and self-motivated, because marketing requires seeking out those who would benefit most from our products and bringing these products to them. It requires innovative thinking, because the obvious prospects are always already served. Creativity is needed to seek out potential customers, to approach them in a m anner that does not immediately alienate them even before you get to speak, and to find out what their needs are and match these needs with the product you sell, so that everyone comes out at an advantage. Finally, I will look for a sense of perseverance and fortitude. Marketing is both physically and mentally challenging work, so the successful candidate should be up to the task. 2.Consider the hypothetical situation in question #1. What are the pros and cons of hiring someone exactly like you? While I was writing out the answer to the first question, I was wondering whether I fit the bill myself in the manner I set the attributes down. I realized that these are the qualifications that I would like to have, or that I would like to think I possess but do not actually. It is the best of what I want to be and what I think the position demanded. There are dangers to finding someone exactly like oneself, because there never is one. No two persons, not even twins, are exactly alike, and making oneself the role model for finding a replacement makes one almost doomed to fail. Then he would have to â€Å"settle†for someone a little bit less in his estimation (because nobody ever measures up to the ideal picture we have of ourselves), and this becomes a poor basis for beginning a working relationship, particularly between a supervisor and his subordinate. Another thing about finding someone like me to take over my place perpetuates the weaknesses that I had, at worse, and at best not have anything new to add to the position. There is a distinct advantage in hiring someone not like myself, in that they bring something new to the plate. New is always good, it is at least change, and after sometime the innovation would be adjusted to fit the job, enhancing its advantages while minimizing the disadvantages. Hiring someone for my old position who is exactly like me is a constraint on the new worker, if he knew that I hired him for that purpose. His tendency, as with all other subordinates, is to meet the expectations of his superior (myself), so he will try to do everything like me and think, what would my boss do if he were in my place? But this attitude does not foster growth, it does not free up the individual for the many initiative and ideas he may have for the job. Therefore, it were better that in choosing a replacement, I should not look for someone who was like me, for that reason.
Critically assess the mV and digital policyain elements of the EU Essay
Critically assess the mV and digital policyain elements of the EU policy on HDT - Essay Example Through television, a lot of telecommunication companies has been put up which provides work for millions of people. It is where product commercials are aired. It is also where public concerns and responsibilities were discussed. While each and every national government has set up its own rules with regards to telecommunication, the European Union has also set its guidelines and policies to maintain and level the playing fields of the telecommunication competition. In this era where digital technologies were making its way to communication highways and prospectively play a much bigger role in the future, the European Union has identified the needs of introducing digital technologies harmoniously into the market. By means of a consensus process involving all the relevant economic agents, this aim can be easily achieved. There are 6 different areas of audiovisual activities which are covered by the commission. According to the Principles and guidelines for the Communitys audiovisual policy in the digital age (2005), On the basis of these principles, the Commission intends to take action in the following fields: the new "Media plus" programme, considered to be of crucial importance for the future of the European audiovisual industry. In all areas of action (training, development, distribution, promotion) this new programme will take account of the new digital environment. The external dimension of Community audiovisual policy will necessarily hinge around two central elements: the enlargement of the European Union and the new round of multilateral trade negotiations in the framework of the World Trade Organisation. This Directive which was adopted in 1989 and revised in 1997, based from Television broadcasting activities: "Television without Frontiers" (TVWF) Directive(2006) is the cornerstone of the European Unions audiovisual policy. Its two basic principles
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
IP Management - Strategies and Tactics in Managing IP Disputes Term Paper
IP Management - Strategies and Tactics in Managing IP Disputes - Term Paper Example order to understand the concept of Intellectual Property strategy it is essential to understand the concepts behind Intellectual Property and strategy and the combination of these both terms. The Intellectual Property strategy, according to different analysts, is the tactic and method used for the management of the Intellectual Property rights by focusing on different activities like licensing and filing. On the other hand, there is another school of thought according to which Intellectual Property strategy is like any other business strategy and the focus is on using the Intellectual Property rights for the management of the technology. These is also a perception that Intellectual Property strategies are only associated with the large multinationals organizations and small or not for profits companies have nothing to do with Intellectual property. This perception is not correct, the Intellectual Property and associated Intellectual Property strategy is important and relevant for the companies of any size (Kitching & Blackburn, 1998). INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: In order to understand the different strategies and tactics associated with intellectual property, it is first important to know what is the meaning of intellectual property. Intellectual property is the term used to refer to the creation or formation of human mind like different inventions, symbols, artistic work, literary work, images, designs and other associated things. For all these creations of the human minds the creator is awarded with a set of exclusive rights associated for the innovation or discovery. These rights and laws are provided to the owners or creators of the intangible assets which cannot be recorded or documented otherwise (Merges, 1997). Intellectual Property can be further divided into two... The intention of this study is an intellectual property as the term used to refer to the creation or formation of human mind like different inventions, symbols, artistic work, literary work, images, designs and other associated things. For all these creations of the human minds the creator is awarded with a set of exclusive rights associated for the innovation or discovery. These rights and laws are provided to the owners or creators of the intangible assets which cannot be recorded or documented otherwise. Intellectual Property can be further divided into two categories: one is of the industrial property which consists of inventions, industrial designs, trademarks, etc. and other is copyright which consists of different type of artistic and literary work like poems, novels, films, drawings, musical work, photographs, paintings, sculptures, musical work, etc. Out of all these the types of Intellectual Property which are widely used and are most common are: trademarks, copyrights, pat ents, trade secrets, and industrial design rights. The term of Intellectual Property is relatively new, as it was started being used in the nineteenth century and become more common and popular in the twentieth century. The main aim or purpose behind the use of Intellectual Property is the protection and security of the innovation by the creator or innovator. Along with this the financial incentives associated with the Intellectual Property also encourage people to come up with new innovations in order to get Intellectual Property which in turn results in the development of the overall society and world.
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